Wait, what the hell? This fucking owns.
His first column is in the print edition this morning. Totally worth the read.
Harvard tho
I’m sorry, I think you’re looking for the totally fucking awesome media outlet choices thread.
this is the perfect fox news tweet because when i saw it on my timeline it wasn’t until the very last word that i wasn’t thinking, “holy shit alec baldwin killed a guy”
We’re all just swimming around in a world of bullshit.
When they say News Media, they just mean Media. The word News lost meaning a long time ago.
Being reported now that he did fire the gun.
Someone will have to explain to me how and why guns are used that even have a chance of killing someone. Surely that’s unnecessary in the age of CGI?
I actually dvr and usually watch Stelzers show and I fast forwarded this segment without a second thought. Weiss bores me. If I ain’t watching this no one is.
It will look like shit most of the time. The reason why Heat still has the best gunfight of all time in film is because everything was “real.” They didn’t mix or fuck around with the sound.
Ha ha good one… wait, this is real?
What the fuck?
I expect this shit from the NYT and its ilk, but I thought The Atlantic was better than that (or I have it confused with another outlet).
the atlantic is burning cash at a silicon-valley-startup rate and is basically going to rely on clickbait to get revenues up
Social media was supposed to enable citizen journalism on the cheap.
I was going to scold you for not realizing that this is an obvious joke from a comedy twitter account. Then I saw clicked the link. Holy shit!