Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

But the Andy Griffith show wasn’t filmed in Mt. Airy, NC. It was shot in some Hollywood backlot. As a nerd, I can see the appeal of going to NZ because of how dope the Lord of the Rings movies looked or going to that abandoned set out in the desert where they filmed bits of Star Wars, but there’s no way this place looks anything like the TV show.

GoT was filmed all over the world. i’ve only been to the spain location fwiw.

eta:: looks like it’s mostly europe, not all over the world

I would like to see the inspiration for Mayberry. I would not make a special trip. But if I happened to be driving near I would check it out.

It’s the same idyllic small town pull that makes Hope Floats one of my favorite movies and makes me like the Lifetime Christmas Specials.

Unfortunately FoxNews has brain-rotted every idyllic small town that isn’t in New England, and only most of those.

I think most small towns everywhere in the US are pretty deplorable now, the political divide is very much an urban/rural divide. A lot of small towns are made up of the poor end of Donnie Dumb Dumb’s MAGA base - a stagnant population of white folks with decreasing quality of life that huddle around the picked over bones of a long closed industrial town. You’ll run across the occasional pleasant little town, in my experience it’s usually a college town where the college is keeping the economy afloat.

UP “favorite” Ross Douthat:


I’m not clicking on that article, but what in the world is his point?

“It would be worse if this thing killed more people”? No shit.

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It would be worse if it were ten times worse.

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Imagine on 9/11, in addition to the attacks in New York and DC, there were also attacks in Dallas, Chicago, St Louis, Miami, San Diego, Denver, Nashville and Philadelphia. That would have been worse.

It’s not quite as bad as the tweet would suggest. But still bad.

He’s reacting to this tweet:


He seems to be taking the view that Hayes is maybe right up to a point. He doesn’t expect a bipartisan unified response.

But that doesn’t mean that the country would have been more unified in a “Covid 10 times worse” world. Instead, there would be more regional fractures, more governors trying to close borders and restrict travel, more vicious interstate fighting over medical resources, more frenzied culture wars over which drugs to try experimentally, more total panic and meltdown around schools.

I don’t think that’s’ a crazy prediction.

“Both sides!”


I really don’t know if the political situation would be different if COVID had killed ten times as many people. It would have to be different, right? But at the same time, the actual facts on the ground don’t seem to have any bearing on Republican viewpoints for most issues, so why should they matter for COVID?

Brett Stephens made a good point for once in his life. Would be different but not for the better or in a way that unified the country to solve the problem, i.e. R batshit craziness and selfishness would just manifest themselves in different ways and even more intensely.



lol this framing and that graph

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Does Joe Biden have a Chinese Real Estate Crisis? Here’s an interview with a Jan 6 insurrectionist on the topic!





Look at this op-ed lineup from today’s NYT. Absolutely embarrassing.

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Lol reading the NYT op ed section is just doom scrolling now.

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