Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

this is some top-tier navel gazing


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Why am I not the least bit surprised that Bret Stephens’ mystery “real progressive” is a man


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You may be surprised to find out he was soundly defeated

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WSJ kicking itself for missing out on this OpEd

lol dnr, but the comment section was good.

NYT printed this.

This happened. Today.

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As good a time as any to remember this chestnut:


Oh boy.


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Seemingly overnight, Elder galvanized support from GOP voters in the state, building on his decadeslong experience of connecting with radio listeners to energize Republicans in a way no statewide candidate has in a generation. But his popularity is limited, constrained to one wing of a party that has withered to 24 percent of registered voters as the state has grown ever more liberal.

Even Elder himself acknowledged last week that he may have reached his ceiling for voter popularity in California’s recall. As a percentage of all ballots cast in the recall election, he received only 27 percent support, well behind the share of voters who found no candidate worthy of support.

“When you look at the registration, Democrat versus Republican, when Gray Davis was recalled it wasn’t nearly as lopsided as it is now,” Elder told Inside California Politics after the election, referring to the Democrat ousted in 2003 and replaced by Arnold Schwarzenegger. “So it’s hard for me to see that were I to have a rematch, the outcome would be a whole lot different. But I may change my mind in the next coming days.”

To be fair the article itself immediately dives right into the idea that Elder is the best that Republicans can do and he can’t do anything.



Great story. As a heavy news consumer these guys were not on my radar. Shades of Vice scamming Disney with some wework for flavor.

Worth reading this thread.
