Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Politico sucks but Rubin is also a clown. Like, she straight-up doesn’t know how “off the record” works.

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Yeah Politico and Rubin both suck donkey balls

Why not both? (is a question my pony asks)

I don’t know the rules of journalism, but it does seem pretty scummy to just go ahead and print something that someone sends to you clearly intended to be off the record.

It also seems pretty scummy to have to “evolve your thinking” on it being ok to play off of religious bigotry and anti-Muslim fervor in a column where you talk about how Barack Hussein loves the “Muslim world” more than America.

are you sure about that? I’m preeeettty sure she knew exactly what she was doing.

She has a book coming out Monday.

And now she’s trending on twitter, and the majority of the tweets are about how terrible Politico looks in this situation.

I mean, there’s maybe a 10% chance she didn’t know, but her original comments were about how Politico sucks as a journalistic outlet…what better way to prove they can’t be trusted than to set 'em up and knock 'em down?


Yeah, my first instinct was that is pretty lol obvious she wanted those comments on the record.

Being off the record is something you agree in advance with the reporter, not just something you foist upon them. You can’t stop them from reporting on what they witness just by yelling THIS IS OFF THE RECORD like it’s an incantation to stop bad press. That said, publishing a private email is a dick move even if it wasn’t “off the record.”



It’s the “no you’re the real racists” retort for the least self-aware

The stupid burns for at least 3 different reasons.

House tax writers want to double the $1.01 federal excise tax on a pack of cigarettes, with similar hikes in other tobacco taxes. It would also tax e-cigs for the first time. Those taxes would raise about $11 billion per year, money that is crucial to funding the green energy and social-welfare spending Biden and most Democrats support.

But Biden can’t sign a bill with a hike in the cigarette tax, for one simple reason: He has repeatedly pledged not to raise taxes on any household earning less than $400,000 per year. Since smoking isn’t just for the rich, Biden would be breaking a promise to voters, which Republicans would gleefully exploit in the 2022 midterm elections and in 2024, should Biden run again.

So why would Congressional Democrats propose such a tax hike in the first place? Because it’s very hard finding the amount of new tax revenue needed to fund the $3.5 trillion in new spending Biden’s aiming for. “Tax writers are scouring the earth for potential offsets,” Beacon Policy Advisers explained in an analysis of the proposed tax hikes.

I’m no tax or budget specialist, but it seems like we just freed up billions of dollars in Afghanistan. Maybe we should use some of that?

Nonsense, the Embarrassing Failure in Afghanistan proves that the military has been badly underfunded, ldo. We must, at least, double the budget for the military.


Cancel your NYT pls

For reference, $400,000 per year is three times the median household income in the richest county in America (Loudoun Country, Virginia).

not sure about median, but average loudoun county probably clocks double their earnings in capital gains.

Meh. The majority of people I know have extremely unhealthy psychological relationships to money and wealth, we probably need more financial advisors that provide some therapy on the side.

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Ad when people are too rich to take that seriously you have to tell them that they are good people because they attend posh charity dinners in their best finery and give away 0.001% of their wealth.

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This is some next-level White Safart shit: find a group of Boomers on a pilgrimage to Mayberry and ask them what they think about Trump.


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I’m mystified by the idea of going to a town because 60 years ago it was the inspiration for a fictional town in a TV show. I’ll admit, I’ve always wanted to go to the Welsh village where The Prisoner was filmed because you can actually see some of the crazy buildings and stuff, but I have no idea what you do when you arrive at Mt. Airy, NC. Walk around and marvel at how white it is? It’s not like you can pose for a photo outside the barber shop from the show.


i dunno lots of GoT locales are pretty epic

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