Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

It’s more of a future than what one might have guessed six months ago, although he hopefully ends up more like Herman Cain than Ben Carson.

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Uh, no. Fuck right off with this. Who wrote this shit?

By Ellen Pao


Edit: Realised I cropped the outlet. NYT



I mean, that too.

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Hey, what do you really expect (checks notes) a partner at Kleiner Perkins to do about it!

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It’s pretty common when there is systematic corruption for individuals called out for their obvious corruption to point all around and say “my actions cannot have been bad, everyone else is doing it, I’m the real victim here because you’re singling me out”. This happens when industries are corrupt and also inside organizations that are corrupt.

So, what led to the trial of former President and COO Ramesh Balwani?

Racism, ldo.

The facts of the Theranos case are absolutely awful for Holmes, which is why she’s trying this “I got brainwashed” defense. Her actions were far worse than Kalanick or WeWork Jesus, and they were both indescribably enormous scumbags. She is 100% a sociopath. An actual one.

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lol, Maggie and Jennifer Rubin are having a public spat, like real professional journalists do:





“Obama cares more about Muslims than Americans” was standard right-wing bullshit during the Obama years. Now these ethnofascist assclowns want to rebrand themselves as “resistance conservatives.” “Oh, but my thinking has evolved.” Fuck off, Nazi.

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Man I’m sure there’s some sort of difference between Obama and Biden that could have caused a right-winger like Rubin to “evolve her thinking” but I can’t quite figure out what it could be


Not that I read any of them, but from the headlines of their OpEds Rubin>>>>>>>>>Hugh Hewitt, George Will, that moron from Ohio that I won’t be bothered to look up his name and others and especially

edit—is that blurred?




Man it’s kind of jarring to be confronted with the fact that people like Jennifer Rubin are like… proud of their work? Take themselves seriously?

Like, her entire fucking career exists to have people rage click on her stupid headlines, and somehow she hasn’t picked up on that fact.

I could crank out her column for her in like 30 mins per day.

I refuse to believe Rubin takes the shit she writes seriously, at least first level. She knows obummer is a neoliberal beholden to capital. I do think she thinks she is serving some greater good by writing farcical crap. And I absolutely believe she demands other people take her and her column seriously.

Are you saying she’s partial to the Irish?

lol, y’all are shitting on Rubin here?

really? Politico are the dicks here, FYI. Check the tweet ratio to see how many folks agree.

This is my issue with so many on our side of the aisle. there is ZERO allowance for changes of heart. Yeah, she sucked. but she’s stuck to her anti-Trump, anti-Crazy GOP guns for much longer than others, and before it became fashionable. Is she still small-c conservative? probably. Is she anti-Trump, anti-QAnon, etc? definitely.

I find myself more and more out f touch with you all, because all I see here is Politico, a joke of a publication itself, digging up 10 year old articles to try to trash someone for gasp changing their mind. Sure hope no one finds some of the old 2p2 politics posts y’all made…




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