Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Politico worth > $1B apparently. God help us all.

Grunching like a week here but if Tucker Carlson and Woody Allen ever had a biological son together, this would be it.


getting rather fed up with nyt.

By Scott Walker

Mr. Walker was the governor of Wisconsin from 2011 to 2019.

“all but eliminating collective-bargaining” is good, you see

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This is bad news. Axel Springer’s main asset is the largest European tabloid “Bild” which is utter garbage. It says “German media conglomerate” but is is majority US owned.

You know that account you’ve linked isn’t the real Nathan Robinson right

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dunno, they have the same middle initial, seems pretty conclusive…

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My god


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politico is literally the worst garbage on earth, everyone working there should be yeeted into the sun

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Just calling balls and strikes, whatcanyado

Nice framing. DeSantis generally downplays Covid, blocks local mask mandates, blocks vaccine mandates, goes full OFB while promoting Florida tourism to people who live in more restrictive states and pushes Invermectin more than vaccines, but somehow the headline is, “I guess these vaccines just don’t work well enough. What are you gonna do?”




Ratio Status: 11 to 1

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Entire WaPo is pro-war bullshit. “Here’s why Afghanistan will be Biden’s legacy,” Robert Fucking Kagan writing an op-ed on why we invaded. JFC, these people had two decades of that shit and they’re furious they won’t get another twenty years. I should be used to it by now.

I say let the people that don’t want to leave go over there and hold down the fort.


I should be used to it by now, but there’s not a single anti-war voice on any MSM outlet anywhere. Just walk-to-wall generals and neo-con dipshits lecturing us all as if they haven’t been horrifically wrong since day one. Where is Barbara Lee’s op-ed?

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Exactly. We should be able to get an entire battalion just from op ed writers.

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Remember when the NYT published Tom Cotton’s mein kampf because they “value diversity of opinion.” Biggest joke going.

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