Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

exactly. Her CoS is doing a good job, so her previous donors/cronies/inner circle are pissed. Let them cry. She’s no longer Senator Harris now, she’s the vice president. Good for her staff for running a tight ship.


As ever, death is a good career move.

God, this made me nauseous.

Edit: like just the headline and subhead because by God, I am not going to read that shit.

Politico is absolute trash.

Did things EVER go well in Iraq or Afghanistan?

Maybe politico meant GITMO.


I was going to say HABS but zero chance she has the self awareness to write that.

I must have missed these “great stories” the access journalists gave us, because as I recall it was all self-serving bullshit like “GEN MCMASTER PRIVATELY DISAGREES WITH TRUMP AGENDA.” These reporters can just eat an entire bowl of dicks.


Haha, what a timely article! Ahem…

I laughed at the reference to The Butterscotch Baron of Bedminster.

I’m good with $3.5 trillion to own the Bernie Bros


Lololol this framing

lol wtf? like, what does he even have to do with it?

Perfect example of the media stirring up controversy, not the other way around.

it’s cause he wanted $6T and now he cannot afford the promised ponies or something.

the media coverage is absolutely asinine, but they do have to compete both everyone on twitter and a million other payperclick trashy outfits at the same time. it’s not easy, but mostly just sad to see how they get blown out by fucking tictok creators and q channels. remember when the serious newspapers said they were going work nose to grindstone into old-school journalism? well instead they decided to use that pretense to out-clickbait the clickbait, and lit more money on fire, hastening their own demise.


A+ headline fellas


I’m posting this as an example of a good media choice.



Cool, cool. Hey maybe we could hear takes from people who weren’t completely fucking wrong about the Forever Wars? What does Barbara Lee think of this withdrawal?


Remember all the times we regretted not listening to W on policy?

Yeah, me neither. Have a seat W, we’ll let you know if there’s a first pitch we can use you for.


Or we could just throw shoes at him.