Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Yellow Springs seems nice. Hipster, but nice. It’s tiny, tho.

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Wait, are you telling me people actually believe Riverman’s SC > Ohio takes? They’re fun to read for sure, but I don’t think anyone actually takes them seriously.

It’s super chill. I get all my used books and cbd oil from YS.

Isn’t Riverman in Charleston? Charleston is pretty nice, I’d much rather live there than anywhere in Ohio. And I wouldn’t mind living in Ohio at all.

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SC might be better than Ohio, but there’s no way places like Alabama or Mississippi are better.

I’d personally rather live in Columbus. I’ll take big city with huge college campus and all the associated amenities of that situation over Charleston.

And I refuse to believe that SC minus Charleston > Ohio minus Columbus. Unpossible!

Depends on your criteria. Number of fentanyl overdoses? Ohio by a mile.

It’s multifactorial, but for me I’m going with general bigotry as the top criterion.

I’d rather eat Cincinnati chili than South Carolina barbecue.

This is the worst take in the history of the internet.


I’d much rather live in Ohio than South Carolina, but WTF am I reading?

I grew up in Ohio, so it’s comfort food from my youth. YMMV.

I don’t know if there is a food equivalent to kink shaming, but even if there’s is, I’m gonna let it slide in this case.

I’m sure everyone has some trash food from childhood they have a soft spot for, generally it doesn’t make it preferable to far superior fare.

Skyline instead of Frisch’s seems like a life-altering fast food decision for young NBZ.

I preferred Gold Star.

this mf apparently invented time travel back in 2012 and just jumped to the present day


Matt Christman once described Australia as “Ohio with a coastline” and it bothers me that I havent been there so I can’t comment on the accuracy of this.

The west coast of Florida is full of midwesterners, and from my experience y’all aren’t sending us the good ones.

But some, I assume, are good people.