Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Ohio has incredible old-growth forests and nature parks all over if that’s what you’re into,plus it’s not full of Floridians.



Maybe because the party and its voters love him, Maggie, and because they live in reality?


Not falling for this one.

I can get down with some old growth forests. Re: Floridians, I dunno, The population of Ohio seems like Florida, but with less diversity, so just a bunch of racist white people.

I’ve done this rant a bunch of times but Ohio is just awful. There are pockets of Columbus that are tolerable and borderline good but the state as a whole is just the absolute worst.

There are a couple dozen towns of like 20k - 50k people that are as racist and allergic to education as any place in Mississippi. But on top of that, you have rust belt hellholes like Youngstown, Akron, Steubenville, etc. And I’m not done. You also have the river towns like Portsmouth that are among the most depressing places I’ve ever seen.

The only bright spot in the entire state is Ohio State, which brings in some super intelligent and interesting people - mostly to the medical center. Obviously over-generalizing here and there are good people everywhere, the usual disclaimers, but its not bleeding population because its awesome.

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According to Wikipedia the population of Ohio has net increased every decade since, well, ever.

Its possible there is a richer story to tell, like maybe certain demographics are fleeing? Or its growing slower than othet states?

I look at Ohio and I wonder how the hell Obama won that state less than a decade ago.

Fucking Texas was closer to a Biden win then Ohio was in 2020.

Yeah, there is serious brain drain happening for obvious reasons.

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Every few months this site tries to convince me that Ohio is worse than the Deep South and I’m not buying it.

I don’t get it.

They both suck politically. The south is pretty and has nice weather.

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Speculation: Obama gave shit to Ohio. The auto bailout following the financial crisis dumped a lot of money on Ohio. Obamacare increased health care coverage by hundreds of thousands of people in Ohio. All those rustbelt deplorables are enthusiastic Nazis but they hate people like Mitt that destroyed their blue collar towns.

The South has crap weather and enormous bugs.


Bugs aren’t a problem during the winter, and this:


90+ degrees and 138% humidity for 3 or 4 months of the year? Fuck that.


If you want your mind blown go look at Indiana in 2008.

But Obama also won it in '08. And his margin was even less in '12.

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Obv this is just a sample size of 2 people, but one of my family members who’s now a retired professor that lived/taught there for 30+ years and one of the smartest people I personally know bounced out of there as soon as he retired. He describes the state along very similar lines that you do.

But doesn’t that just describe most places with lots of white people?


“GOP focuses on cultural issues and voting access”
