Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Well it’s easy when the propaganda machine works to rehabilitate their images. How many times will Bush go on shows from people who would shit on him while he was president? How many pieces of candy will he give Michelle and how many times will she tell us she likes him? It doesn’t help that even the “opposition” (liberals) fall for this shit easily. Dems approved of Bush something like 11% after he left office and I think the last poll I saw a year or two ago had him at over 50% among dems lol

This is coming for Trump too. He should be treated like Hitler in the history books but a lot of people have a huge emotional commitment to the idea that America is on an inevitable march to greater and greater glory as the final pinnacle of human achievement. They will absolutely latch on to the idea that Trump wasn’t a monster but actually the result of America not doing enough to support poor white people as global forces left them behind.

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No one in the media shat on him when he was president, at least not after 9/11. The MSM has just always had this deep love for W and no amount of fascism or war crimes has kept them from amplifying whatever image of himself he wants to put out there.

It’s not even a question of rehabilitating his image. He was never even a little bit diminished by the wars or the Patriot Act or ICE or CIA torture sites or any of that. There’s never been and will never be any kind of accountability for the W era. Everyone lived on happily ever after and all the Republican voters swear they never really liked the guy. Probably the same thing will happen with Trump.

He finished with a 20% approval rating. It doesn’t get that low without the media shitting on you.

He protected us all from a 9/11 scale attack ever happening, starting September 12th.

Keith Olbermann

Maybe there was Olberman, but he was more or less a lone voice in the woods as far as cable news was concerned.

Don’t have a link but a classic NBC nightly news safari piece just now asking Georgians “Has Biden delivered on his unity promise???”

Not even kidding, this should be straight up censored. What the fuck.


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This newspaper unquestionably thinks rural old white voters are more important than everyone else.

And just fucking lol, “economic decline and social malaise” GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE

Does literally anyone think “first-in-the-nation caucus” means a damn thing to anyone? Just a quaint made-for-TV spectacle for politics nerds that coincidentally awards an enormous amount of airtime to covering the concerns of the dumbest backwoods clowns in America. IA is not ever winnable for Dems in a post-Trump world and they should abandon it completely.



Once a Democrat who voted for Bill Clinton, Mr. Davis said he became a Republican because he disagreed with Democrats on abortion and same-sex marriage, as well as what he called handouts to the undeserving.

Kamala Harris is not ever winning IA, just get the heck out now and see if we can win GA again.









I think the NYT is just stuck 30 years in the past when low information white voters were actually swing voters and by reaching them you had your “Finger on the pulse of the nation”. As they become a GOP Monolith more and more, these stories will just continue to get less interesting.


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Corporations have taken advantage of Republicans for too long


Vice did some Saudi propaganda


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Florida takes a ton of heat fro being a shithole filled with deplorables, but from what I can tell it is light years ahead of anywhere in the Midwest. Florida are least has awesome beaches, and natural areas filled with some incredible biodiversity, and cities filled with attractive men and women (even though they may be awful). Wtf does Ohio or Iowa have to offer?

Corn and slightly better college football.