Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Well it was mostly iraqi children that suffered for it.

This is a fun one. A story about a missile attack by Syria on a nuclear facility, which meant Israel, quite rightly, had to retaliate.

Except what actually happened, if you read even semi carefully, was that Israel bombed Syria, during which Syria fired an anti aircraft missile that missed and exploded over Israel (20 miles from the plant), and then Israel decided to bomb Syria even more. The first attack by Israel is never mentioned again except for the passing reference below.

Syrian missile strike triggers alarms near Israeli nuclear facility and retaliatory attack

JERUSALEM — A missile launched from Syria flew into southern Israel early Thursday, triggering air raid sirens near a nuclear facility, according to the Israeli military, raising fears of an escalation in ongoing tensions among Israel, Syria and Iran.

The attack triggered Israel’s air defense system, and explosions from the exchange were reportedly felt by several Israeli communities near the Shimon Peres Negev Nuclear Research Center. The military said the missile was not intercepted but exploded in midair. Local authorities reported debris falling some 20 miles (30 kilometers) from the facility, according to the Times of Israel.

An Israeli military official, briefing reporters overnight, said the Syrian missile probably was an errant attempt to hit one of its aircraft striking targets in the Syrian Golan Heights.



Haven’t seen many Biden diner pieces.


One man told me matter-of-factly that he believed Covid vaccines were going to kill 50 million people and that Trump hadn’t actually been inoculated in spite of what he’s repeatedly said. “He already knows the people that voted for him will not get the vaccine,” said Joe Poldruhi, 55, a maintenance man from nearby Olmsted Falls. “All the people that voted for Biden and hate Trump are taking the vaccine. Trump has no problem with that. Because they’re going to be dead.”

He told me he thought Trump “was going to win California, and when they called California as fast as they called it, I said, ‘Something is not right. There’s something that’s not right.’ He was sweeping everything—and then all of a sudden they stopped counting. I’m, like, ‘OK, Trump was right. He was absolutely right.’ He said, ‘They’re going to steal it.’ And they stole it. We watched ’em steal it.”

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Pretty much all the boomer bashing that’s gone on here is implicitly towards white boomers. It’s frustration at the hoarding of wealth and power, and we all know that isn’t true for Black boomers.

If you look at just white boomers, it’s going to drop to under 40%. The Silent generation is less Trumpy than the boomers, and the rage is against white people.

I dunno, I see a fair bit of frustration with white men here. White men as a group are pretty terrible.

Trump beat Hilldog by several points with 65+ in 2016. I don’t recall him doing appreciably different between 65-70 and 70+.

True as it pertains to societies in which they’re the dominant group. It has more to do with dominance than color.

The Han Chinese are wayyyyyyy worse than White Men in the US.

I was being US-centric.

For sure. And I agree. White men, being the dominant group, are, as all dominant groups are in all countries, fucking awful and drunk on their power. As a group they’re not close to the worst.

Education is a important variable.

If the frustration is really about the hoarding of wealth and power, why not focus on those people who are hoarding the most wealth and power–the wealthy?

If “boomers WOAT” implicitly means only white boomers and not Black boomers because of the amount of wealth that they hold, then is it also implicit that they don’t mean white boomers who have less than median wealth? If we keep peeling back the layers so that their generalization becomes precise, then we’ll end up with a smaller and smaller group of people that they are actually referring to when they say boomers WOAT. What benefit is derived from this imprecision? I can’t think of any personally.

Because this is a democracy, and we need votes? Even if it’s the billionaires that are really the worst, I don’t get why we can’t also be frustrated with their willing footsoldiers who vote against us.

~40% of boomers vote the same way that you do, why are we saying Boomers WOAT?

I think the repeated pattern of boomers lecturing millennials with specific reference to “when I was your age herp derp” is really the heart of the whole matter. This is present even among those who currently vote Democrat. Generalizations are unfair but the anger at ignorant self congratulating lecturing boomers is totally understandable, even if #notallboomers.


No idea how this guy does this while retaining sanity.


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I used to watch these shows every Sunday ages ago, I can’t even fathom why anyone watches them now.

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Trump Era: Republicans are still with Trump

Biden Era: Biden failing to gain GOP support

(Biden has a higher approval rating among democrats than Trump ever did among Republicans)

The media continues to define the success of both Democrats and Republicans by whether Republicans support them.



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W is going to go down as one of the most beloved modern ex-presidents ever, he might even top Reagan.

I might hate Reagan more than Trump.

Pew on similar topics

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The Rs are definitely on a “winning” streak of always finding increasingly worse people to be President and therefore elevating the standing of their historical disasters. I am old enough to remember when Nixon was considered this massive national disgrace and a low point in American history. But there’s no doubt that he would be preferable to Reagan or W or Donnie Dumb Dumb (I guess maybe Bush Sr wasn’t really that bad but mostly because he was boring). The only logical progression here is that the Republican party nominates MTG next and we somehow end up pining for Trump’s relative competence while she does terrible cross fit exercises in the Oval Office.

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