Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

They’re DEFINITELY not sending their best.

I’m too lazy to block quote but this article is a disgrace

Every week.


Do Democrats on these shows bring it up and find a way to tie it to other issues?

Guy seems like he sucks everytime I hear about his hot takes, people here like posting him though.

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Some selection bias, only his “lol look at this guy” takes are posted. He’s not all bad, but he’s also totally unedited. He throws out takes constantly. Some are terrible.

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Right. The constancy of the takes and the willingness to be iconoclastic is what makes him worth following. I’ve never thought “you’re a genius” but I’ve thought “pretty good point tbh” enough to make it worth it the times I think “you’re a moron”.

I remember one time on Chapo Will was like “actually uhh Yglesias had a good tweet about this” and Felix chimed in “I hate it when he does that”. Decent summary.

It’s 2021 and grown-ass men still think being a contrarian on the internet is fun and interesting.


I mean, he’s getting paid like $700,000 a year to shitpost. The problem here seems structural.

As long as there are dudes in college with internet access there will always be a market for “WELL AKSHUALLY…” shitposting.

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What the hell is the problem exactly? Ten thousand people find glesias’ takes interesting enough to pay him eight bucks a month to see his boring ass newsletter? Who cares?

Well, the problem is that a great investigative reporter uncovering some small percentage of the rampant corruption in state and local government makes like $33,000 per year and even worse probably no longer has a job at all, which seems pretty silly when shitposters make literally 20x that spewing mostly garbage takes.

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OK, but that doesn’t actually have anything directly to do with Yglesias moving to substack. It would be one thing if Vox Dot Com was turning out hard-hitting investigative journalism and has been hurt by the high profile Yglesias and that other guy leaving. Yglesias’ hot takes weren’t subsidizing local investigative journalism in Des Moines or whatever, they were subsidizing a bunch of younger, shittier Ygleglesias hot take machines.

What you’re saying is true, of course, but there’s no connection to Yglesias getting paid. He was never subsidizing local journalism. For the collapse of local journalism you can blame Facebook and Craigslist. There’s no putting the classified ads toothpaste back in the tube but you can do whatever Australia did that made Facebook furious about their Australia News. Not sure what that was exactly but if it makes Zuck mad I’m all for it.

Why not just take the easy win if you’re Matty Y? It seems clear the guy wasn’t intending to flash white power signals, just laugh at the silly libs overreacting and move on. Instead, he needs to make the objectively wrong dogshit take that the alt-right never tried to appropriate the “OK” symbol.

Bonus points for invoking the “PC Wars of the 90’s,” which was mostly just guys like Yglesias whining because they couldn’t use “gay” as a slur anymore.

Who’s at the top of the shitposting field?

Keeping Google, Facebook, and Amazon unregulated monopolistic cancers on our society to own the conservatives.

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Good answer. Dril’s shitposting is so elite that I don’t understand at least 90% of it (as represented by examples posted here at UP).

Was this interaction between Chris Wallace and the DOJ public relations staff:

A) A poor choice?
B) A standard interaction between mainstream media and their subjects?
C) Why not both.jpg?


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