Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Now fucking wapo joins in

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So Chuck Todd’s performance with John Kennedy earlier this week got me intrigued enough to tune in to Meet the Press. First up, good interview with Adam Schiff.

Next, Steve Scalise being the lying sack of shit he always is, but some pretty decent pushback.

Next, we get a really good breakdown as to why the whole Crowdstrike line of horseshit is exactly that. Has the added benefit of making Scalise look even more stupid.

Then, it’s the panel with HUGH HEWITT?!?!? I throw my remote at the TV in disgust.

Chuck Todd, you owe me a new fucking TV, stop booking Fox News-caliber assholes on your show.

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… And they aren’t wrong. The reason Trump went for the bait is it looked insanely juicy. He assumed that the Biden’s were just like the Trump’s, which would have meant that there was oh so much more beneath the surface. Of course the Biden’s aren’t like the Trump’s so it doesn’t get any deeper, but it’s still corruption and Biden deserves to see his candidacy sink over it.

One of the best things about this whole situation is that we get two birds with one stone. Don’t fight it lol. Hilariously I’m fairly sure this whole Ukraine thing would have given Trump an enormous amount of protection from claims of corruption during the general election. This is why Biden’s claims of ‘electability’ have always been bullshit. Just because his dealings (and to be fair most establishment politicians of the last thirty years dealings) haven’t been fair game in the press for the last few decades doesn’t mean Trump (and hopefully all future opponents for all of these people) wouldn’t have weaponized them.

This thread is about poor media outlet choices. Making writing stories about money and how politicians get it off limits is the single worst media choice of the last 40+ years. There’s literally no question more important than who pays you, how they pay you, and why.


Yeah the Hunter “job” is obviously corrupt and obviously newsworthy. I mean the guy has no discernible skills or qualifications. He had just washed out of the Navy as a 43-year-old ensign for cocaine use. Getting that commission in and of itself was another, more minor, instance of corruption. Try joining the navy in your mid-forties with a prior drug conviction and see how that works out for you if you aren’t the son of a prominent politician. A failson through and through. Sad!

And I think that Hunter’s gig being so transparently corrupt is one of the things that will save Trump with his base. There’s more than a nugget of truth in Trump pointing the finger at the Bidens and screaming corruption. It’s obviously hypocritical but that’s never slowed down Trump before.

Trump got Rinse Penis a waiver so he could go play Horatio Hornblower after getting fired from the chief of staff gig

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Can you pontificate on this a bit? Am interested.

Exactly. A corrupt gig for failsons everywhere.

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None of the anti Biden stuff in any way exonerates Trump lol. He withheld desperately needed military aid from a US ally to extort fabricated dirt on an opponent. There’s more than enough corruption to go around. This does neatly demonstrate why Warren’s anti corruption agenda is exactly what this country needs right now. We’ve gone a long way down this legal/public corruption road and it’s way past time to do something about it.

Washington DC is the seat of the government and it’s insanely rich and expensive. The cities real estate values are on par with NYC and Silicon Valley. That’s not because there’s no money in politics. It’s not just one person getting their beaks wet. It’s literally a million+ people getting rich off of the rest of our tax dollars to a truly crazy extent with the people at the top of government pyramid (the people with the most to gain from manipulating the government) doing as well as the people at the tops of the finance/tech pyramids.

This shit is a big part of why Trump got elected in the first place. It’s not hard to see once you start looking for it.

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I don’t think that it exonerates Trump. I do think that Hunter’s obvious corruption provides Trump with a lot of political cover.

Maybe I’m missing something, and I suppose it shouldn’t matter, but this dirt doesn’t seem all that fabricated.

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The actual dirt has been in the public sphere since 2015. But Trump tried to force the Ukrainian govt to make false accusations to make it even worse.

Fair enough I guess. Still LOL Biden, though.

Oh yes. I’m as anti Biden as they come. I’m insanely anti establishment politicians from the last 40 years for that matter. They’ve sold us all out and their time of reckoning has come.

The writing has been on the wall for them since AOC beat one of their most senior members in a primary in a process that was designed to stop her.

Voters HATE these people. That’s why their approval ratings are so low. And there’s a road map for how to beat them out there now.

The political meta is shifting in a big way, and not a moment too soon. The status quo has had tons of unsustainable stuff in it for my whole life basically and I’m watching it unwind in real time with an enormous amount of glee. I was sick all of last week, work went terrible, and it was still a great week I’ll remember fondly in a decade.

In my dreams Elizabeth Warren starts using drain the swamp as a campaign slogan. It really was an excellent and timely piece of political messaging. Thanks Donald we’ll steal that now.

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[Long NY Times Magazine profile/article]

This Is the Moment Rachel Maddow Has Been Waiting For



Says the guy who worked at infowars

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