Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Nates should keep their hands at 10 and 2.

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I find Nate Cohn far more annoying than Nate Silver.

This whole “above it all” tone is so fucking enraging, there is no way hes actually this obtuse as he has hundreds of people in his replies explaining exactly why his presentation is atrocious. He’s got MAGA Habes disease where he is unable to discern valid and invalid criticism so if hes getting it from both the left and right he thinks hes just telling it like it is.

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Not reading past the first paragraph:

American democracy faces many challenges: New limits on voting rights. The corrosive effect of misinformation. The rise of domestic terrorism. Foreign interference in elections. Efforts to subvert the peaceful transition of power. And making matters worse on all of these issues is a fundamental truth: The two political parties see the other as an enemy.

FFS, Nate. Which of the two political parties are the causes of each of the five problems you laid out?


I’ve been reading these “polarization is changing politics” thinkpieces for decades, but Nate seems to think he’s got a bold new idea on his hands. Like, where to even start with this.

Of course the key to writing these is to avoid making any value judgements on the politics of either party. Ideally, you don’t even want to mention their names —this bozo completely managed to avoid saying “Republican” in a piece on the corrosion of our democracy! The Republican Party has been a dangerous clownshow for 30 years that has metastasized into a deranged death cult led by a reality TV conman and we have three mass shootings a day but these NYT jackoffs will not dare to point a finger at the Republican Party or its policies because any kind of value judgement is against some NYT journalistic principle. Instead, the problem is this vague notion of “partisanship” or “sectarianism” that’s to blame for jackasses storming the Capitol.

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Maybe, but narcissistic women often go through a rough patch when they lose their looks. Gonna be lit when our aging manic pixie dream Senator finally is forced to make the transition to middle age.

I don’t know who these pieces are for. I guess George Will and Mitt Romney and a handful of old-timey Republicans who will get the vapors if you tell them their party has been hijacked by a 4-chan death cult. There can’t be that many people like that with a NYT subscription. Nevermind that their party has been an embarrassing anti-intellectual clownshow since the 60’s.

Unlike men, who are well known to handle the arrival of middle age with grace and dignity and well adapted behaviors.


“Actually conservative but wanting to be respectable” is a pretty damn big cross section of the NYT readership.


“We like the KKK’s ideas but we’re embarrassed at how low-class they are” has been the party’s mantra from the Buckley days up to 2016.

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Jesus Christ



“I’m not an expert

Literally the only reason the Irish are a more relevant example for him is because he recognizes that being a Nazi apologist would be bad optics.


TV shows like Downton Abbey have done a remarkable job whitewashing colonial Britain, that would be an actually interesting thinkpiece to read.

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(obviously directed at Nate, not you)

Not yet, Nate should keep digging for another 100 posts until he’s defending that actually the Nazis weren’t all bad, if you think about it.

He’s not an expert, folks. Don’t put him to the critical sword for some mere posts.

The other point is that the underlying thesis is wrong. Political sectarianism is not the issue. The issue is that our system of government makes it hard to get anything done. Trump ran on building a wall and ending Obamacare. Was he able to do that? No. If a political party wins an election they should be able to implement their policies and then the next election is a referendum on what they did. We don’t have that for the most part in the States.

You can get things done if both sides are good-faith actors. The problem is that one side is the enemy of America.

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hard hitting journalism



“caught donating $10”
