Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


Bernie is in the fucking Senate you dumb motherfucker Yglesias.


Yeah. I’d have to disagree with him on that.

It’s all a game to Matty, Substacking and shitposting for high 6 figs a year.


Isn’t Matty a Gen-Xer? Has he seriously never hung out with an exhausting “look how quirky I am!” type of person? It’s not fun at all. I would rather drink White Claws with Kate Porter or something.


But she would be wearing a t shirt that says “it’s wine o’clock!”

Bernie’s not high on my list of Senators it would be fun to do social, completely non-political stuff with, mostly because I have a hard time imagining him doing fun stuff. Sinema is clearly above average in that by virtue of not being an old white guy.

This is his taste in music. Does he sound like a fun guy?

Last year, Sanders told Rolling Stone he favors classical music: “On my iPad, I have all of Beethoven’s symphonies,” he said. In terms of pop, he championed “the Motown sound,” especially the Supremes and Temptations. Sanders confessed he loves Abba and disco (especially the Bee Gees), and Celine Dion.

I think he usually is that person.

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I put her on a different kind of weird than this.

Something is legitimately wrong with her. She’s one of the most powerful people in America, who ostensibly is in politics to help people, and she’s acting like an attention starved teenager.



If I have to hang out with a female blonde senator for drinks or whatever, Gillibrand > Sinema.

Hanging out with Rand Paul and beating his ass is more fun than anything that could happen with Sinema.


Gilliebrand gave her comfort food as “a glass of whiskey at the end of the night”.


While Sinema wouldn’t be the top, she would be up there on my list. It would be interesting in the same way going to the zoo and seeing a platypus or something would be. It’s just not something you see often. She seems to be crazy in a unique way.

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The fun Manic Pixie girls of Gen-X are now annoying wine moms.

This conversation is at least rubbing up against sexism!

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Just wait until we play FMK: Senate Edition!

Also, no kink-shaming frottage.

… go on.


Both sides!
