Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I like how Bari’s tweet just casually assumes her readers know wtf “Breardly” is.

The most guaranteed to succeed business idea I’ve ever had is to start a deplorable private school in NYC or, even better, Dallas or Houston or LA.

Seems like there are loads of barriers to entry. Doesn’t your private school have to have like a 200-year tradition of educating wealthy shitheads? I don’t think you can just start a deplorable boarding house in 2021 and expect to be raking in the rich parents.

How deplorable are we talking here? I’m sure Adolf Hitler Country Day doesn’t really get off the ground.

There are a few of these in LA but surprisingly few. Just pay another 250k to be in a good public district.

Know who couldn’t get into a mediocre private school in nyc? Donald Trump.

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I’m gonna need some names of schools here. Deplorable private schools in LA?

All the private schools.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure creating another Harvard-Westlake was what @Riverman had in mind, when he said this:

Isn’t this just called catholic school?

I think most of the Jesuit ones don’t reach “deplorable” level.

I’m not really in a situation to know much about LA private HS’s (went to HS in Orange County, where Servite and Mater Dei were a couple of the only well known private schools), but I was thinking Harvard-Westlake, some liberal private school in Santa Monica, and maybe one or two private jewish schools. Private schools, other than maybe some catholic/christian grade schools, are just not a big thing in Cali.

Once again, I’m pretty certain that Riverman was not talking about anything like “some liberal private school in Santa Monica” or Harvard-Westlake (which is far too woke for Bari Weiss) when he was talking about his hypothetical business plan of opening a “deplorable private school”? I’m pretty sure there are zero of those in LA (at least deplorable in the way he meant).





I used to watch MtP religiously when Tim Russert hosted. Can’t believe it is basically a fox show now.

The guy who founded ICE wants to lecture us all on immigration policy and legacy media treats him like he’s some kind of reasonable elder statesman. I wonder what Kissinger has to say these days?


It’s amazing how much I still hate that guy.

Every half a year or so W pops in to the chat to remind us all that there was zero accountability for the biggest fiasco in American history and CNN treats him like’s he’s some kind of bipartisan voice of reason instead of the Donald Trump of his era.

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