Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

So what, we’re going to have 10,000 Blackwater contractors in Afghanistan going forward? Great.

Just looked it up and we have 18,000 contractors there now. Has anyone asked Biden if he’s going to get those assholes out of there?

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The report from a few months ago is that we currently have 18k contractors out there (not all black water) but I doubt we are cutting that number in half even after the “withdrawal” lol

Typed up my comment before I saw your edit but yeah most future wars we will get around the problem of having “troops” there when we can hire mercenaries

it’s pretty hilarious how they try to subtly sprinkle in modern progressive views (the most glaring example is when Rose is seeing the jazz singer and they give the “why don’t you go back to africa” line to the fucking butler but Mary’s take is “papa would be more upset that you’re a SINGER than the fact that you’re colored” or whatever give me a fucking break

I don’t think “Blackwater” is even a thing anymore, kind of like how it’s not Kentucky Fried Chicken nowadays.

Yeah they’ve gone thru maybe 2 name changes since then, now it’s Academi lol

Would really love to see a new season of Mad Men where a 94 year old Don Draper tackles the challenge of rebranding Blackwater during the wind down of the Iraq war.

The best downtown abbey moments are whenever lady parts or childbirth are mentioned around the dad and he’s all oh I can’t even. Oh and when he says something like if I made this kind of fuss everytime a dude tried to kiss me at Eaton…

I kinda like how the patriarch is so dumb that he literally cannot stop losing all his money. Then when the random lawyer dies and it turns out he has more money than the patriarch, he’s just kinda like, yes, I totally deserve all of that dudes money.


Wasn’t there some fuss over HBO making a show about rich people in the Antebellum South? It’s weird that we collectively recognize how tasteless that would be but give a pass to PBS shows about rich assholes in Edwardian England.

‘Some’ of them might leave, but ‘plans could change’!

The Pentagon said on Friday the preliminary plan on Afghanistan is for at least some contractors to be removed during the United States’ military withdrawal from the country.

“There are preliminary plans that are being revised to extract contractors with military personnel,” Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said.

He added he had no details on how many contractors would be removed and suggested the plans could change.


“Preliminary plans” is really tilting, a phrase only used when someone’s trying to hide something.

This was the main thesis of Rachel Maddow’s book Drift–that much of our warmaking is done by mercenaries, reducing the need for actual US soldiers.

That reminds me of a super cringey episode of Say Yes to the Dress, Atlanta, where a bride and her party were looking for dresses for her Gone With the Wind themed wedding–and they were helped by the African American employee.




I’m too young to remember but did Nixon ever do this W Bush shit where he would periodically chime in on the state of politics after leaving office? I feel like he at least had the decency to go away and be quiet.

Tony Blair never shuts the fuck up either, it’s very aggravating. Must be something about being a mass murderer.

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Definitely tried to remake himself as an elder statesman and foreign policy guru. Published a couple of “real” books iirc.

I think the difference is they didn’t have CNN or the internets in the 70’s-80’s so they didn’t have to read these “Nixon says he’s troubled by unethical behavior in the White House” nooz headlines.
