Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

“Showers money.”

Maybe having two of the three remaining actual newspapers in America owned by right wing scumbags is not great.


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The faces up to 20 years is very misleading. That is just the max for his charges. He could likely plea and get very little time. Even if he goes to trial and loses, he’s almost certainly going to get a lot less time.


For the “trespassers” who were neither violent nor planning to harm anyone, I’m fine with a year in prison, with higher penalties for vandalism.


I know we like to blast centrist/corporatist media takes in this thread, but this was on the highest rated “news” network this morning:


you think that’s what he’ll actually get??? “up to 20 years” means nothing

He’s white, though.

Republicans still trying to promote the big lie. These interviews need to be 5 seconds long, if necessary.

“Did Joe Biden win a free and fair election?”

If the next word is anything other than “yes,” the interview is over. This isn’t hard.


Definitely shouldn’t be polite about it either. It’s actually very important that the reaction to this bullshit be appropriately strong. Anything less normalizes it. If you’re going to give these people a forum to speak they need to get treated like adults and held accountable for the implications of what they are doing. That includes getting called a scumbag who should be run out of town on a rail by a normally pretty mild mannered news anchor type.

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The endless self-congratulation. Jesus Christ. You worked from home. Like everyone else that is lucky enough to still have a job.



My company sent a special email thanking everyone who worked from home for their valiant sacrifice. Didn’t send anything thanking everyone who actually went to work at the plants every day, who had probably a 25% chance of getting a covid diagnosis. Assholes.


Inskeep seems like a huge douche, every once in a while you’ll catch him saying something that just seems like a gigantic tell

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Maga habes reporting for duty



If you’re tiring of NYT palace intrigue stories, here’ what’s going on at Teen Vogue:

Teen Vogue becoming the model for journalistic integrity was an unexpected development.

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Don’t even disagree but CNN had that headline written before the election.

Edit: Actually, it’s super unclear what “bipartisan governing loss” means, so I actually don’t know what to think.

They mean even though the bill passed, Biden’s strategy of trying to get bipartisan support failed.

Obviously this is not Biden’s fault, but while it’s tempting to blame CNN for this… Biden did craft an ornate club, carve BIPARTISANSHIP into it, and hand it to the media with a note reading “Please beat me to death with this”, so honestly I don’t fault them for accepting the invitation.