Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices



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I don’t think answering hand picked questions at a town hall is really in the same league as a press conference, to be fair.

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Trying to make a story of it, thereby lending legitimacy to the “Biden is a demented old man” derp, is really irresponsible and reflective of a toxic, pervasive “my job is to be critical of everyone, regardless of context” mentality.

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Here’s a nice piece to get the blood boiling

Lol this newspaper, just an absolute disgrace


David Brooks has to be close to a win in the unethical office behavior bingo game that I assume he is playing.

According to Wikipedia, David Brooks once wrote movie reviews and I think we owe it to the world to track these reviews down and share them with the world and laugh at how terrible I assume they are.


An important wrinkle that one might miss here is that Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post, which is the NYT’s main competitor. Now if I was caught taking an undisclosed salary from a major competitor of the company I work for, I’d most likely be looking at serious-business legal consequences, but David Brooks is like the personification of failing upwards and his entire career is a saga of incidents that should have ended his career but instead have magically propelled him ever higher.

Being a white man has some advantages.

Meanwhile they fired a 45-year employee because some trust fund kids complained (but probably actually because he was a union representative). Just awful. What a joke of a company.

Man, his ex-wife converted her religion for him.



Legit looks like his grand daughter. What a creep.


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Was it economic anxiety? This is all the Democrats fault! Thanks Obama!

Thread is maybe 15 tweets

Somewhat amusing. WaPo assigns a book about US/Iranian relations to someone to review, they give it a bad review and conclude:

There is a need to better understand the tangled relations between Iran and the United States from their beginnings. Unfortunately, one has to look elsewhere.

Where else might you look? Well, turns out one place would be the reviewer’s book on the same subject which came out the same day (and which is mentioned at the top of the article).



This is embarrassing. What a dope.


LOL they fired a guy who worked there for 45 years because trust fund kids complained he wasn’t woke enough:

Just a total joke of an organization.

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In April 2020, the company [the Aspen Institute] received approximately $8 million in federally backed small business loans as part of the Paycheck Protection Program.

These fucking people.