Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Good fucking god that Maureen Dowd piece.

“You want us on that wall.”

Journalists are the most unjustifiably self-congratulatory, self-fellating nitwits in the world. They somehow have absolutely no clue that they completely failed the country.


Roll tape


I guess Ashley Parker is positioning herself to be the next Maureen Dowd after MoDo retires.

flipped on NBC, saw sleepy eyes chuck todd talking to bret motherfucking stephens, tapped out immediately

Anyone read the Dowd quote in context? Just asking.

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I’m looking forward to the transcript of the phone call where Riverman cancels his NYT subscription.


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Nails it

What’s funny is journalists think democrats / liberals have now turned on them. They are wholly oblivious to their actions and the consequence of those actions.

Hey assholes, we hated you all along. It’s because you’re dumb self-important cowards, not because you are mean to Neera fucking Tanden.

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Lol, just look at these assholes.


When you’re getting owned by the pod johns…


wacky “enemy of the people” stuff

rainbow text plz

He did softball interviews for a year.


He can only cover his brother when he’s doing good things, not when he’s doing bad things. Otherwise people will question his objectivity.


Good read. The Times fired this guy because a bunch of rich teenagers whined about him being insufficiently woke on their dumb rich kid trip. And maybe because he was an outspoken voice in the union (a union whose membership apparently pressured management to fire him). Horrible.

I finally got around to reading this.

There is a lot going on, but the Times’ conduct here is absolutely outrageous and this guy got screwed. The senior leadership of that company is truly embarrassing.

More generally, the episode shows how these assholes are perfectly willing and able to play hardball against one of their own (a 45 year employee!) for the sin of being independent, but are magically unwilling or unable to directly confront absolutely evil subjects of their reporting. This is very similar to how eDem politicians are happy to stick the knife in progressives but never do so to actual white supremacist Republicans.

Cheerleaded Iraq War
Her Emails / Comey
A Cloud is Lifted

And never any soul searching, or even an apology. But they force this guy to “apologize” for a total nothingburger, then effectively fire him. Just a total joke of an organization.

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really hope the dude wins the Pulitzer, would be bigly embarrassing for the Times.

Because of the pandemic, CNN let him start softballing his brother, but cut it off later, restoring their previous company policy. It’s not actually his choice here. Don’t see anything wrong with what Chris did.

He shouldn’t be softballing his brother? Pretty clearly he should be recusing himself from any reporting on the mayor.

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Don’t think it’s clear at all given how it got more eyeballs on the coronavirus pandemic and the response.

Even if you accept it was ok to interview his brother, he should have kept it professional rather than waxing eloquently about personal stuff and how great a person his brother was.