Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I know it’s awful easy to throw rocks at journos, but in fairness a lot of them are doing God’s work and really bust their asses to …you know…just serve their communities. I’ve known enough papermen and paperwomen to know that they’re absolutely heartbroken to miss any print edition, much less right now.


I read it. Absolutely dogshit piece. Nothing worth excerpting, just the usual brainless meandering you get out of Noonan.


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We are boiled frogs.


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They are all in on it.

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Speaking of which, yet another nail in the coffin of local journalism.

Vulture capitalist firm Alden is buying the Tribune company

I thought about posting that to allow @simplicitus to do a victory dance, but I still have a Tribune subscription and I’m worried about the quality in the future.

From what I’m reading about those guys, you may not have to worry about quality as the Tribune company might not exist at all after they’re done strip mining it.

Ugh the local paper i pay for is part of the Tribune company, guess I’ll probably just cancel my subscription because fuck giving money to the vulture capitalists

All the Sunday shows provided extended platforms for republicans to continue to cry election fraud.

The media is the worst.

The Sunday shows should provide extended platforms for Republicans to say things that get them sued by Dominion. The hosts should ask leading questions asking Republicans to take a stand on specific things that Dominion is suing over.


Yes this. Democracy will fail, but Dominion will maybe get a nice settlement at least.


If it’s Sunday, it’s Meet the Seditionists


Alterman is back. I find that comforting.:

The amount of coverage the woods crash is getting is just pathetic. Really shows how a big a hole in the news Trump’s absence has created.

This was what news was like pre-Trump.


It turns out 15 dedicated channels running 24/7 is a lot of time to fill when you don’t have a raging lunatic running the world.

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I’d mix in a few hours a day of “Sinema is a fucking moron whose refusal to pass voting rights will ensure her own ejection from Congress,” but that’s just me.

We are boiled frogs but this is absurd


Two of the most evil people in the US and that’s saying something.