Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

They’re going all in, en masse, on this. Just pathetic

Front page of yahoo.com, right now:

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if you polled the electorate, what’s the over/under on percentage of people who give a shit about this press conference “scandal”?

how often did trump have a “formal news conference”?? Yelling at reporters about how stupid they are as he boards Marine 1 doesn’t count, does it?

The percentage of people that really care is equal to the percentage of people that are conservatives demanding a daily outrage dopamine hit. About 35% of the population.

An additional chunk of the population dont really care about it, but because its in the news constantly it will serve to make these people less informed overall. This is maybe 15% of the population?

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“But unless Senate Democrats can muscle through a unilateral rules change to end the legislative filibuster, Collins’ vote will probably also become a sought-after prize for Schumer.”

There is no world where Collins vote matters. Either Manchin agrees to limit the filibuster or they need 60 votes, and Collins is never going to be that 60th vote.

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I think Collins has learned her lesson.


The fucking vanity, self-regard, narcissism and pettiness of this tweet. Just perfect.


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Replies are fabulous:



These people get paid to write about politics in one of 3 national newspapers.



Actually he got fired for being a guy who deemed his behavior was acceptable in a 1980 lens and then 2021 smacked him in the butt.

I still laugh at him claiming he didnt say some of the things accused of then goes in to great detail on his he did each one.

If I were the NYT and fired this guy and saw this article I would do exactly two things:

  1. Give all my editors a huge raise because holy crap a Pulitzer nominated writer is excruciating to read without proper editing.

  2. Sleep soundly knowing he wrote a four part article justifying why he was fired. Dude could haft been a regular on unchained. I especially appreciate his view he hasn’t ever voted because voting would show bias.

The guy is absolutely in love with himself and his thoughts. He didn’t need to get into any of those discussions. He was there representing the NYT as s science reporter, not a political pundit. His explanation of why he said the N word is enough yo trigger instant action.

As for thx union stuff that seems to be more of him believing he is much more important than he did. It is unlikely any of those people were thinking about any of those things.

I mean Jesus Christ, the guy took a tommy gun to his foot and kept reloading. When they characterized him as exhibiting poor judgment I agree. Not just in Peru. He constantly
exhibited it over and over and over again during this process.

You really have a thing for politically
inept journalists Keed.

Seriously I can not believe someone wrote all that in telling “their” side of things.

I would love James Andrew Miller doing an oral history of all this. How this guy was really perceived by those around him would probably be wildly interesting.

I know this is a reply to a post almost two weeks ago. Hate me for it.

At least the students have their youth to blame for their half formed political beliefs. This guy has zero excuses, and again he shouldn’t have entertained all these questions let alone pontificate at great length.

The Times biggest error was not being wise enough (and being too cowardly) after the initial investigation. Holy crap seriously that article was insane.

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I believe almost the exact opposite of this.


Fuck these people so hard, absolutely zero self-reflection, just full steam ahead on bullshit.


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Oh Maggie





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More racist than I expected



same energy:


No idea who Steven Crowder is but wow, that’s really racist!

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He worked for fox news and now has a political podcast, also he was apparently a comedian or some shit like that too unless I’m confusing him with someone else. I’ve mostly seen him on twitter but he’s a fairly popular right wing commentator. He has something like 900 million views on his youtube channel

Edit: When he was a fox news contributor he was punched in the face at a protest by a union guy lol

Crowder is the guy sitting at the table in the “change my mind” meme.

He is the (supposedly) funny jock version of Ben Shapiro.

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