Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Turns out she was using a private email server to subvert record-keeping rules. And also the Clintons were cozy with a pedophile child sex trafficker.

Like, OMG, turns out these people who have spent their entire lives in politics have enormous layers of untapped strata of shady shit and everyone needs to brace themselves for the possibility that Hunter Biden, member of the board of some Russian oil interest, maybe this guy had some skeletons in his closet.

That already came out before/during the primary, didn’t it?

Yes but then copies of the emails were found on a laptop and Comey did his whole “We might have found moar emails!!” thing a week before the election.

The thing is, this kind of stuff has been off limits for press coverage (because if you talk about it you lose access) the way sex was off the table before the 80’s. It’s widely known by people who pay attention, but normal people simply never see it or hear about it because it doesn’t get covered, and when it does it’s by niche outlets.

Everyone is/was doing it. Thank god this era in American politics is ending. Hopefully all these shitty little ways that politicians line their own pockets and pay for reelection will become completely unacceptable very soon. It’s the single most efficient way to clean house… simply redefine what is acceptable in a dramatic fashion.

The biggest thing AOC pointed out (for me at least) by getting elected was that exposing just how corrupt these people are is amazing political strategy. Normal people simply have no idea and when they find out they get pissed about it.

The Dem nominee in 2020 needs to be Warren, Yang, or maybe Bernie. Someone clean. Someone who can point this stuff out without getting every shitty thing they’ve ever done thrown back at them.

Cuomo is having the guy on who is calling for Nadler to be removed as head of Judiciary because he thinks Nadler has been breaking the law by investigating the president.

Like, on this night, surely there are scores of members of Congress happy to be interviewed, and he gets this clown???

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The problem is that too many Democrats are just trying to be good public servants and not enough are attention whores.







Bret Stephens, right on cue. “Don’t impeach!”

Great edgy content guys.


Good decision for MSNBC to bring in Nicole Wallace early to anchor roundtable reaction to today’s hearing. She’s really good IMO. Sometimes it takes a while for the higher ups to get that, but looks like they finally are.


She’s the only person to have ever blocked me on Twitter, and I’ll be damned if I know why. Sucks too because I like her a lot.

Ladies and gentlemen. May I present the WSJ.

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:boom:The :boom: hottest :boom: of :boom: takes :boom:

This one might break some ratio records:

