Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

He’s still gigging and I’m pretty sure indecent exposure is a sex crime.

Yeah, but he still bitches and moans about how “cancel culture” ruined his career.

He lost 95%+ of his yearly revenue probably. Which is fine imo, deserved. What he did was wrong and gross. But a crime? IDK. He said what he was going to do and then did it in his private hotel room. It was, uh, not a great thing to do but illegal? Seems dubious.

Louie CK: Currently working professional comedian - Y/N?

Crimes: Legal if you announce them in advance - Y/N?

Shut up Ikes


Look man he suffered very serious career consequences; his career only survived in a very marginal sense. Which, again, is fine. Appropriate. He lost things that he should have lost. But should he never work again? Let him tell jokes in night clubs, who cares. He’s good at it.

And is indecent exposure not a crime if you announce it in advance in your own private room? Probably? It certainly provides a defense. But it’s obviously not that important. If it is a crime it’s a very minor one and if it’s not a crime it’s still gross and wrong.

You could have saved a whole lot of effort.

Sure if I wanted to let you distort my point.

That last post was replying to flynn, not you. I should have hit reply. Bad!

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Giving refuge to predators? Who? Which predators? Louis CK suffered terrible career consequences. Again, deserved, but very real and tangible. And he was humiliated – again, deserved, but brutally and thoroughly. Who in their right mind would look at what happened to Louis CK and be all, look at all the protection predators have? He suffered some pretty serious consequences!

Just gonna keep putting these here

Really, Fox News Sunday? Giuliani didn’t talk about any of this shit on any other shows?

FWIW I was almost proud of Cuck Todd’s handling of My New Chin. Almost.

Wouldn’t dirt on Biden have come out during the 2008/2012 elections? The GOP certainly was doing everything in their power to find out.

Dirt on the VP when Obama was the nominee? What could they possibly throw at him that wouldn’t also stick to McCain/Romney? When you take a swing at an opponent you have to be above it personally or it doesn’t work. HRC couldn’t swing at Trump for his sex scandals (which included bragging about sexual assault on tape lol) because she was Bill’s wife. Similarly McCain and Romney both weren’t really in a good spot to call someone else bought and paid for.

Obama was as clean as the driven snow. Part of what Biden brought to the ticket was proof that Obama could play ball. That looks very different with Biden at the top of the ticket.

Bottom line is that Biden is garden variety crooked. Nothing weird for a politician of his era, but Trump has ripped the mask off the baseline level of corruption of the entire Boomer political era. The average politician during Biden’s time in the Senate has been very corrupt indeed.

In 2016 we were all like “wouldn’t all the dirt on Hillary have come out by now?”

Did anything come out after she became the nominee?

15 years after Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Washington fucking generals.


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Yeah that’s pretty much what went wrong in 2016. Trump ran as a political outsider who would drain the swamp… and his opponent was totally unable to deal with it.

Warren can do that to him. Biden can’t.