Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

there are a lot more signed copies of little red book being read in woke high schools and universities.

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The guy has a collection of nazi linens, too in addition to many other things. But, according by to the author, he has a bust of Margaret Thatcher, so he’s no Nazi. Lol.

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Holy shit, Mia Love is high as a kite on CNN and also seems well past MMR in terms of intelligence.

Rod’s heart is a mess, and with that daily quota of words to write, he had no time to conceal that fact. He combined a Dostoevskyan obsessive introspection with a seemingly total inability to understand how he sounded. You would expect that constant, anguished attention to one’s own sins, one’s narratives about one’s life, would lead to a certain reflexivity—the ability to anticipate others’ judgments—but these are actually not the same. At least not in Dreher’s case. The man could write the phrase “primitive root wiener” in reference to a Black person’s penis; he could ask, in response to a fellow conservative’s remark that he wouldn’t “piss on” a never-Trumper if that person was on fire, “Would you piss on me, old friend?” He could roam about the world making what anyone familiar with the contemporary right and its crank notions about masculinity recognizes as blatant soyface. He could do all this, and then position himself as a lonely sentry beating back the LGBTQ threat. As the Nazis kept statistics on Jewish crime and Breitbart once devoted a section to Black crime, Rod turned many installments of his blog into the Trans Crime Blotter, and yet if anyone made any suggestion that perhaps his obsessive attention to these issues of sexuality and gender—in one case so invasive that a teenage girl’s parents had to sue him for defamation and invasion of privacy—might have its origins somewhere besides his strict concern with moral rectitude, he would start to inveigh about soft totalitarianism and woke tyranny. Only a man who wrote as much as Rod Dreher could furnish so much rope that he then failed to realize he’d hung himself with it.


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Times does a diner interview with Jim Jordan

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Oh my God. I’m like a kid at Christmas about to read this article.


Pretty good Rod writeup. Rod-heads will very likely find some tidbit in there they weren’t familiar with.

One way to wrestle your way to power is to get the New York Times to write articles about you wrestling your way to power, but I doubt the article is “we the media gave him that power”

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Some indications that Dominion/Fox might settle out of court, which would be a real shame.

If they were going to do it, why not do it months ago. How much more embarrassing can it get?

It’s very common to settle on the eve of trial. It happens for a variety of reasons, but a big reason is that juries are very uncertain, so both sides may not want to roll the dice and see what happens.

Here, Dominion still has leverage as I’m sure Fox doesn’t want it’s people to have to get on the stand and testify (it’s one thing to have emails, but video of Tucker, etc. testifying that he knowingly mislead people is going to be played ad nauseum). For Dominion, the upside to settling is that even if they win, a jury could only award nominal damages.

If I had to guess, Dominion is likely the party that is now more amenable to settlement - they’ve won a bunch of legal victories and made Fox look bad, and now are happy to take the cash and be done. It’s also possible that Fox has increased it’s offer a bit based on it being clear the judge really hates them - which won’t help at trial.

I guess my question is why didn’t Fox see it coming and just offer whatever they’re about to offer right off the bat.

cause foxs lawyers made a lot of money telling fox that the lawsuit was bullshit.

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Two things - one they probably didn’t know it would go this bad (for instance, they got a bit blindsided by their former employee suing them and disclosing more evidence last minute) and two, I think it’s possible Dominion wouldn’t have taken the same offer pre-discovery.

Seems like if they are going to settle, Dominion can drive a hard bargain. I’d prefer not to hear that “terms were not disclosed” or “FOX News accepted no liability” or whatever. I’d like to see them admitting guilt and doing so on their air multiple times. Make them pay both in dollars and reputation.

Dominion is owned by a PE fund, they just want the money.

All signs point toward settlement. Even if they were to get some stupid large verdict Fox could tie it up in appeals for years and probably get it reduced because lol law, always.

The settlement won’t be based on what dominion or fox expects to ultimately recover, it will be what fox is willing to pay to avoid the embarrassment of a trial. Which, like, you paid $35 million for fucking Bill Oreilly’s sexual harassment, pay up assholes.

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