Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

It’s also just about appearances. The judiciary is supposed to be impartial. This is just not a good look. At least it wasn’t back in the day.

Yeah this isn’t anything new for CNN on religious holidays. But this is particularly bad, there is zero evidence the secularism trend is going to reverse and if it does that’s bad, bad news for this country. Good for Gilead though.

What major reason do these clowns cite?

Not sure where to put this but found a short clip posted yesterday on CSPAN of Jon Stewart owning defense deputy secretary and christ I love Jon Stewart bitch slaps more than just about anything

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There’s mansplaining and MAN SPLAINING.

Good morning have you heard the Good News?

They said the American church is poised to find new life for one major reason: Waves of Christians are migrating to the US.



I think that the defense rep here actually has at least a shadow of a legitimate argument, but her tone makes her sound worse and actually makes it sound MORE like there’s corruption going on.

At BEST her argument could be that a poor record keeping and audit result indicates a higher risk of corruption, but it doesn’t prove corruption. That doesn’t make it acceptable but it would be good PR to talk seriously about what we do and do not know. Her tone is awful though and smugly dismissing corruption concerns is a terrible line.

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she wanted to talk about food insecurity bad af once he gave her the opening :rofl:

“$850 billion budget and you can’t tell me what you spent it on… that’s fucking waste, fraud and abuse”

I mostly agree with this.

Also this clip is an excellent example of why I so enjoyed Stewart’s dunking on that gun nut GOP rep earlier this year. Normally when people post dunks, they’re something like this recent one. Nothing to write home about. That other one was a complete posterization. You don’t see that too often. Of course, it doesn’t actually matter even a little bit, but I just appreciate the art of it.

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I posted them both here. I agree that the other one about gun violence was much better but even still, while this one is less remarkable, Stewart still puts on a clinic of how to not let these idiots off the hook with a non-answer or subject change. Our “news” media has failed us so fucking hard. If anyone is interested LOL CSPAN included a link to the full hour long interview on their site. This clip had about 300 times their average views on YT when I looked this morning. Not sure why they didn’t just upload it there.



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What’s the issue with this article from a year ago?

The journalist is lame and he disrespects the game and his chain’s hollow.


the obvious implication is that this man is the rosa parks of punching black women who ask for reparations