Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I guess my question is why didn’t Fox see it coming and just offer whatever they’re about to offer right off the bat.

cause foxs lawyers made a lot of money telling fox that the lawsuit was bullshit.

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Two things - one they probably didn’t know it would go this bad (for instance, they got a bit blindsided by their former employee suing them and disclosing more evidence last minute) and two, I think it’s possible Dominion wouldn’t have taken the same offer pre-discovery.

Seems like if they are going to settle, Dominion can drive a hard bargain. I’d prefer not to hear that “terms were not disclosed” or “FOX News accepted no liability” or whatever. I’d like to see them admitting guilt and doing so on their air multiple times. Make them pay both in dollars and reputation.

Dominion is owned by a PE fund, they just want the money.

All signs point toward settlement. Even if they were to get some stupid large verdict Fox could tie it up in appeals for years and probably get it reduced because lol law, always.

The settlement won’t be based on what dominion or fox expects to ultimately recover, it will be what fox is willing to pay to avoid the embarrassment of a trial. Which, like, you paid $35 million for fucking Bill Oreilly’s sexual harassment, pay up assholes.

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People want fights, wars, etc to have a good side and a bad side, when it’s usually just two bad sides

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$500M or whatever it will be is prettying effing impossible to turn down with a fiduciary responsibility.

But Lordy Lordy I don’t want a settlement.

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If there is a settlement, it will likely be large enough to show up in their public financial statements.

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Which is why having for-profit voting is so fucking stupid

The jurors and alternates were sworn in just before 11 a.m., but one of the alternates said he could not participate.

“I can’t do this,” the alternate juror said. “I’ve been up all night.”

A new alternate was sworn-in in his place.
The judge also said it is “oxymoronic” to call the challenged 20 statements opinions while also asserting they’re newsworthy allegations.

Fox settled

Womp womp, hopefully they’ll be forced to say they’re all liars as part of the deal, but breath not held.

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That’s a significant chunk of change for Dominion. Some analyst made the point that FOX will learn from this, and will keep their future lies confined primarily to entities which are not organized enough or funded well-enough to sue, like illegal immigrants, dead people, and other vague players, rather than specific companies.

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Yeah that’s probably right. Fox needs a reminder once in a while to only bully the powerless. That’s an intro class at Evil School.

It will be “Antifa” until the end of time, or until the next fake group they can use as content.