Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Think perhaps they were:


Edit: Here’s their lol statement:


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Fox will just go with the Costanza Defense.



The settlement is 10x more than the value of the company. What in the world were they thinking?

They were thinking the trial would have exposed Fox for what it is, which would be bad for business.






Mega yikes


What’s it called when you pretend to be human but you’re not?

The settlement saves fox hundreds of millions. It was the most slam dunk defamation suit in history.

Fox upholding those high standards. The story is currently number 34 on the home page. Lol

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They haven’t already been exposed for what they are?

There is a better Rod piece here.

This I think is close to the mark:

Somehow, in spite of it all, some longtime Rod-watchers have always been unable to shake the feeling that he is a fundamentally decent human being… Rod’s compulsive self-exposure enables a reading of him as something other, or deeper, than his politics—something harder to dismiss. To put it another way, if he was always throwing out the rope to hang himself, he was also giving us a lens to see the story behind the story.

The fusion of his two personas—Rod the hysterical political reactionary, and Rod the broken human on a relentless quest for meaning—is central to his anti-fandom. I suspect that it’s the second Rod that has made him such a fascination in the current intellectual landscape: the fact that reading him holds up such an unsettling mirror to our own psychic burdens…

In Rod’s travails, we see life in all its harshness and tragedy, the fact that people with perfectly normal and healthy desires for recognition can be warped and deformed by its absence. Thank god I went to grad school, I’ve sometimes thought, that I didn’t remain an undisciplined, un-self-aware thinker, thank god I don’t embarrass myself like that . But that can be a cold comfort. We all know, deep down, that we are really no better, no saner, that we’ve also failed and that we too have holes we’ve been trying to fill our entire lives and may never succeed. Maybe when we look at Rod, we sometimes think, what if I could just say it, what if I could tell the truth.

It’s Rod’s inability to apprehend his own dysfunctions that allow him to put them on the page so clearly. If he understood what he was saying about himself, he would be - like the rest of us - too embarrassed to say it.


I’m not one to toss around the word “evil,” but man:


Today I learned getting the wrong address is soliciting.

I wonder when other countries are going to start posting travel advisories about the US being unsafe.

I can’t imagine that some don’t already.

When I worked for a shady company selling magazine subscriptions door to door back in the day, I was trained to completely ignore those signs. If the potential customer called me out, I was to say, “Sorry I thought that said No Smoking.”

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Tucker is going full Keeed: RFKjr is being attacked by party machinery for anti war positions just like his Dad!

He has Junior on now!

Garrison and Q are RandyMarsh.jpeg rn

ETA: now Junior is citing “leading diplomats” like Kissinger are all saying Ukraine is a dead-end!

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