Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

so secret it’s an article complete with glamour (?) shot of one of the perps

Still the best:

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“Hey at least it wasn’t Muslims”


whomp whomp

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Who the hell would voluntarily pay money for CNN content?

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Not sure which is worse, paying for CNN+ or USA Today

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That reminds me of a skit from a recent Chapo episode where some kid was going to Oberlin on an infographics scholarship. I bet USA Today would be one of the department’s top employment options.

(Screams into the void)


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I had to reread this 8 times before I was sure it wasn’t the Pitchbot.


If you don’t click through, you miss the best part! The headline:

Of course, that’s not as bad as the original headline:



They are free to express their views all they’d like.

The FUCKING NEW YORK GODDAMN TIMES is under no obligation to publish their views


They don’t want meany doodoo heads to criticize their shitty views though, they want everyone to just smile and nod like the good old days where being a white man was all that mattered.



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What a load of garbage that article is. These quotes in particular struck me:

Tony : This country has become more feminized. It’s not the way it was when I was growing up. We started off talking about how the country has a weak image. They don’t call women the weaker sex for no reason. Men are necessary to maintain a vibrant society. And we’ve been feminized. No offense.

Kristen Soltis Anderson : Who, if anyone, do you think views masculinity as a negative thing these days?

Christopher : I support feminism, but I don’t support modern feminism. I think that modern feminism is focused on so-called toxic masculinity, and they are actually purveyors of men-bashing. And so I support femininity and feminism but not to the point where they’re looking to hoist themselves above men to try to make up for so-called patriarchy.

Great job NYT giving voice to these people.


Unfortunately, “these people” who think stuff like the above and that reverse racism is real are like, a huge portion of the population.


This guy is both a bad guy and a fucking moron.



There’s literally no way to moderate in an unbiased way without people nevertheless shouting from the rafters about how biased you are.

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Everybody who is moderated claims bias.

They want the entire internet to be 8chan.