Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

You’re adding steps. As long as the the lifetime cancer rate is <50% the analogy is apt. I would be curious to see the average debt for a USA#1 college student compared to Europe/Australia/Japan/SoKorea/Canada average debt.

edit-@GermanGuy is on it

Once again, Devil’s advocate here.

If I remember correctly only about 65% of high school students go to college. So if only ~60% those have debt, we’re already way below half. And then some of those are going to be able to pay them off without difficulty. And then we end up with with a problem that doesn’t affect the large majority of people (this doesn’t address your point about dependents, though, which is why that is a better attack).

With 36% between 25 and 30 having at lässt a bachelor‘s degree, this will likely depend on the number of college dropouts. So I would guess the statement „the median person between 18 and 30 does not have Student debt“ is most likely true.

Being the devil‘s advocate to your devil‘s advocate, I guess people with student loans are overrepresented in the group of college dropout as those without financial worries seem less likely to do so.

Again, Devils Advocate here

Yeah, I suppose it is a small added step. But another important difference (as I mentioned in response to gg) is that you have a lot more choice over getting a student loan than you do over getting cancer. So even if you look at it from a lifetime risk perspective, one can (in theory) easily just choose not to take a student loan. You can’t choose not to get cancer.

If someone was just going around slapping 30K of debt on people at random, then that would be analogous to cancer.

this is all really dumb, fo real

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That’s another very valid criticism. People may choose not to go to or complete college because of fear of student debt is a great argument. That is better than analogies to cancer, aging, and covid.

We will, don’t worry.

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presented without clicking on the article




Saw that the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh was premiering on Youtube so I decided to watch it. It’s virtually indistinguishable from Alex Jones, just done in a Ben Shapiro cadence

Ugh. Terrible.


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I thought Kellen Winslow was in prison.

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2:45 bit about porn in the airport magazine store

“Hope nobody is sitting next to me on the flight… because I am gonna be spanking it”

What’s really behind all of this is privileged white people looking around and seeing that they have about 10 years left to entrench apartheid before being overwhelmed by demographics. We’re not going to be nazi Germany, we’re going to be South Africa.


Tucker Carlson talking his then-14-year-old daughter possibly having lesbian experiences at boarding school.


Honestly, the amount of times I’ve seen randoms type “RIP Joe Rogan” into livestreams that have absolutely nothing to do with Joe Rogan is in the thousands. It’s been a meme for ages.

I go for 5 and nobody even recognizes me!

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