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A random one from the YT homepage. As a fan of “practical effects” I give this one extra points for being a completely non-CG video. @PocketChads for big rig content!




I know this is just a joke, but as a Bob Dylan fan I have learned not to press too deep into his personal beliefs and politics. In the 60s he would have been seen as counter culture but again today’s litmus tests he has a few not great views, as one might expect from one of the world’s most successful white men.

I saw Bob Dylan at the Fleadh Festival and he was so awful the crowd was booing him. Sinead O’Connor also had an emotional breakdown on stage and I felt so bad for her.

Bob Dylan and Ian Anderson are like boxers fighting past their prime. They know they aren’t the fighter they once were but they know nothing else. It’s super-depressing to try to listen to them perform. Ian Anderson just has somebody sing all of his songs for him.

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Thanks to Spotify I can just listen to Chop Suey covers for hours.

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All cool people like this:

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I may be coming to your town if Billy is playing there. Tahoe, Denver, ATL, Nashville & Minneapolis this fall. Hit me up and I’ll buy your ticket or try to anyway.

ETA: He’s playing two nights in Vegas over Labor Day too but I think that’s going to be insanely hot. I may go to Vegas also.

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I like cowboy music sometimes


How many hours I have spent listening to this guy. In the car, or at home, I think he’s just the best. And now at 72, he and his bud on steel guitar sound almost as good as ever.

I just love the one man band…artists who can captivate with just a guitar and their voice. Don McLean hasn’t aged as well as JB, but in his day he was amazing.

The truth is, I don’t think there have been any artists in the last 40 years who compare to the talent that came out in the 70’s. This British kid is pretty good though. Excellent guitarist and live performer. A throwback to the greats of yesteryear.

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lol I guess I’ve seen Adrian Belew. saw that 1990 tour at age 18 or 19