What are you listening to

This is going to age me, but your post reminds me I saw Rush on the Roll the Bones tour in 1992 in what was then called the Coliseum (then KeyArena, now Climate Pledge Arena) in Seattle.

Still got the t-shirt:


My first Rush show was Hold Your Fire tour. 87 I think


I love that artists still make music videos even if it’s just for youtube. This song is ok, but I watch this alot just for the video. It’s awesome.


Man this one hurts.

I was 13 when the Humpty Dance came out and boy did I ever love Digital Underground. I still love them, honesty. But I think that silly video and the one for Doowhutchlike were the first hip hop that I really got excited about. I can definitely remember sitting in my living room as a kid watching Much Music (Canadian MTV, ldo) and finding Digital Underground so entertaining. Even my mom, whose musical tastes center around Randy Travis, liked Humpty Dance because it’s just so gleefully silly.

I may be backfilling with false memory, but I think that Humpty Dance made 13 year old me think of hip hop culture as fun and accessible and I’m really glad. I may have never developed a life long passion for good hip hop without them.


Coincidentally KEXP just did a podcast interview with the “frontwoman” of Japanese Breakfast (who confusingly is half Korean, not Japanese?).

I haven’t listened to it but figured I’d throw it on here in case anyone was interested.


My first show was counterparts in March of 1994

Was able to find an amazing bootleg dvd online LF this show. So good.

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Nice! Did you find the exact show you were at, or a different show/venue on the same tour?

My other time seeing Rush was in 1997 for Test for Echo. (Still have that shirt too, but you’ll have to take my word for it because I don’t feel like getting it out and photographing it.) It was at the Gorge at George, WA.

I remember the big deal about that tour was that they would “play all of 2112 live” for the first time. I got so excited I popped a blood vessel in my nose and had to sit down for a while to stop the nosebleed. (Or maybe it was the hot dry air at the Gorge, who knows.)

Just googled “Rush Test for Echo tour” and this came up:

Looks like they have a page for every (?) major tour they did, pretty cool.

It was the exact show. Pretty incredible it exists.

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New Director’s Cut


I’ve been really enjoying this album.


Not sure if there are any fans of early to mid 1990s hip hop in here, but I hadn’t seen this until recently and it put a big smile on my face. Classic shit.


Sting is truly a man of the people.

Perfectly describes my relationship with America




:fire: :fire: :fire::fire:

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I’ve kept watching this video for years. It’s just so well done. I don’t even care too much for the song.