What are you listening to

I feel so dumb but I kept waiting for Little Drummer Boy to turn into an original song called The Bird and the Bee.

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The greatest Finnish band that could have been, just saw them last year on their farewell gig and I got all teared up for the duration of whole show.


You can’t save the world on your own, I guess.
Don’t send me it, you keep it.
You keep it.

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@seities Give me harmony, or give me death!

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I miss live music so freaking much. I think it’s the number one thing that I miss most from COVID. Just having that human energy standing, vibing, dancing with everyone at a super fun show is such an awesome feeling that you just can’t recreate in COVID times.


So true. My garage door opens to a private high school’s football field. When they played their first home game of the season I surprised myself by how enthusiastic I was. Then I figured it out: The marching band was going to be the first live music I’d heard since early March.

I got real into Badbadnotgood this year. New release with MF Doom has been on repeat all day.

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Man on the Moon: The End of the Day still hits so hard

Sorry if it was this thread where I first came across this. (Can’t recall for sure but I think I just stumbled across it on youtube.)

And this one:

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Folklore is legit amazing

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Pretty sure one of y’all shared this here before.

Rediscovered my love for The Fall recently. A lot of their stuff was ahead of its time.

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You might be surprised with how metal music relates to romantic relationships. If your significant other sports a Judas Priest teeshirt, chances are he/she is not going to cheat on you as much as someone sporting jazz music teeshirts.

That’s only because the guy with the Judas Priest tshirt feels lucky to ever get laid.


Some of their stuff really was great, and unique. The walrus crowd here didn’t appreciate them much though. :cry:

I guess it’s the antithesis of what “good” music is supposed to sound like, being discordant and eschewing traditional values such as musicianship and tuneful singing.

I remember one mate’s reaction to a Fall single I played him was “What? Where’s the middle eight?” :laughing:

If you think they were ahead of their time you should listen to CAN and Captain Beefheart.