What are you listening to

I think I read some people shitting on Dicky here but post some videos then imo.

That first one was straight nuclear. I think Dicky gets hated on since he has serious talent that is expressed in silly ways.

There’s also alot of disconnect and uncertainty about what a freestyle is. Its evolved so rapidly that its tough for old school purists to make comparisons. Some of this is a generational thing also as the younger generations don’t care about “the best” as much so they don’t care how pure the freestyle really is.

I’m trying to think of who I would compare him to in similarity and its tough. Probably MC Paul Barman; the og jewish schtick rapper. Dicky is definitely a disciple of this dude.

While the Beatles can’t be duplicated I see Tame Impala as the closest thing. What Tame did is fricking amazing also as psychedelic rock of that quality is hard to make even if its derivative.

And Tame isn’t even really derivative, so to speak. Top shelf psych rock washed in post modern consciousness. True fusion; you can’t see the seams whatsoever.

I think when Rawkus records shut down Mos was just more equipped to have success. I’m not even sure that Mos really had that much more success from hip hop exclusively; his acting career definitely makes it hard to distinguish.

If we are judging by youtube clicks than alot times that simply comes down to getting marketed. Video game soundtracks have definitely had an effect on this as well as newer forms of media ie streams.

I also think Mos Def is a more well rounded mc and performer. Black On Both Sides had a song about worldwide water shortages, aggressive driving, a song specifically about white versions of black artist where Mos sang (really well).

Black Star is another reason. Partnering with Talib Kweli (just as underrated as Pharoah) was really smart. Illest hip hop perfomance Ive seen was Blackalicious at MJQ in Atlanta around 2001. They absolutely burned that place down. As the unfortunate following act Kweli came out and fucking killed it.

In hindsight Rawkus Records selling out was a harbinger of things to come. They were the absolute nuts of underground hip hop around 97. Listen to this bizarro track that Mos did Soundbombing 3 which marked the beginning of the end. I was a hardcore backpacker nerd at the time trying to stray as far away from my gangster rap listening background to delineate myself from shit like Ja Rule and such and this shit stung my soul.


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Aristotle Onassis came up in another thread, and I was reminded of this (NSFW):

New Idles is worth checking out. @Yuv

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I think Mos Def is solid and he deserves to be a big deal, I’m not a Mos Def hater. I’m just angry that Pharoe got shut out of mainstream success. That guy was incredible in his prime.

Definitely aged well:

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@cassette @pyatnitski

this is cool. Satch was looking for Yoda lol


Nice one. There’s some good things about this pandemic, once in a while. This interview wouldn’t have happened without Zoom.

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Incredible. Good lord, did that man just sample Ben Shapiro.

PS: We love you, Biz Markie.

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Yeah he made the Ben line part of the song. So good. I shared it on FB. I’m not sure my relatives will get it.

You offended by Cardi & Megan rhymin’
I’m more offended by Trump and Biden
And fuck the DNC and all their staffers
And fuck Trump, a bunch of racist crackers

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