What are you listening to

Thanks I wasn’t familiar with him. That is an almost hour-long track with an unresolving non-functional harmony repeating throughout. Yikes.

Did you know Eric Clapton did an electronic album under the pseudonym x-sample for a project called T.D.F.? They released an album called Retail Therapy in 1997. I think it’s pretty boring overall but lolwtf factor is high:



Never heard this. Definitely predates Richard D James seminal works in the early to mid 80’s. This is closer to house (you can almost hear that pounding 4/4 bout to roll in) but that is nitty semantics.

Almost certainly this was a secret weapon to the early disco/ hip hop Dj’s. (Same thing in the beginning)

This was done on a guitar somehow?

that’s hilarious and actually makes perfect sense wrt to Clapton. Seemed a very averse-to-experimentation type of individual, then when he does, employs a pseudonym


It sounds like synth with some guitar played over it. My point was sort of that guitar is technically a more expressive instrument than traditional keyboards from a digital perspective. The problem to date is that there aren’t many good controllers, and those are extremely rare and expensive. The SynthAxe is probably the best one ever created and there are fewer than 100 known to exist including that one Holdsworth is playing. They were $13,000 in 1985. There are more Stradivarius violins out there. Starr Labs is mega expensive, the Roland (or any pickup) system has tons of lag, and the Axon box is hard to find.

I’ve watched enough videos of great guitarists getting their hands on these things and then saying something like “this is amazing because I can make my guitar sound like a saxophone” and then inexplicably, like, shredding Yngwie solos using the cheesest fucking ROMpler sax you’ve ever heard. Like, no, please don’t do that–run it through a Moog Model D, Juno 106, or Yamaha FS1R for fuck’s sake.

PS: There are some new instruments out designed for more expressive playing including the Linnstrument, ROLI Seaboard, Haken Continuum, and some others. The idea is to transmit more than note on/off MIDI and capture more nuance in human playing. Some examples, last of which @Rivaldo will probably dig the most:


I have an Ensoniq ASR-10 in mint condition (with the SCSI). I’m building a completely out of the box setup that will be ready to go when my Cirklon is ready.

Planning on adding a yocto also (808 clone) but that would just be gravy.

You can’t beat older analog machines; they are just pains in the ass for lots of reasons.

If time allows, would even like to start building some clones that a novice with noob soldering skills can handle.

Having a fetish for analog synths is painful for a poor man. I plan on using a cd rom that hooks up to the ASR where I can use cds with samples of every synth ever made to get an idea of what I would really like to add.

That’s an A-tier piece. Which keybed does that have? I’m using a Kurzweil K2000 because it still feels amazing. Has the SCSI and the floppy (lol) but not the onboard sampler. I have a list of stuff to add, about half of it analog, but COVID has made the prices on everything totally stupid.

The part that sucks is that with eBay and Reverb, every broke-ass hillbilly is a dealer now with a busted Juno 106 for sale at $1800. Start asking questions and they know nothing. Like, dawg, the Analog Renaissance voice chips are about a $600 install (not even available during pandemic) and I guarantee it needs more than that. They just see the highest price (one that’s been serviced by a reputable shop) and think they automatically get that much too because a thing is a thing, ya know?

Honestly, Im closer to those guys than I am to you. The ASR-10 is one of the only ones I know about because I did a deep dive into learning about it a couple years ago.

I listen to ton of music that uses vintage synths but I couldnt necessarily identify them unless were talking like a Fender Rhodes.

I am curious as to what the sound quality and character will be from cd-roms of vintage synths played on the ASR.

Yeah, the prices are crazy. But some of those machines are going extinct. And I don’t believe that software emulation is identical. Plus, using a mouse just doesn’t feel right.

I actually purchased a 909-clone. That thing was fun as hell but the software had a lot of glitches including the midi hookup. I was lucky to be able to sell it. The 808 clone is supposedly pretty reliable.

That seaboard is amazing. Literally mind blown. How long has that been around?

@seities likes Haken iirc

the neck on that guitar!! optical illusion os

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Here is the clone of the TB-303 that is basically a replica. I’m not sure if the parts are still out there but they were last year.

Bottom of the list.

Reminds me of this previously unknown treasure that I discovered last year:

They say you cant judge a book by its cover. Well, you can sometimes judge vinyl that way. One look at this cover and I already had the willies.

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Yeah, I am at least familiar with the rarity of service providers for Ensoniq. Keeping it cool is the key to keeping it running. Also won’t be using the sequencer on it for a variety of reasons, namely to lengthen the shelf life.

Besides, Ive read enough about the Cirklon to know if you can get one it is all you need. Won’t be able to appreciate until Ive learned. I signed up for one when the list was a year. They had a snag with production that involved quality control, probably another 6 months before I can order it. If youre into vintage synths its a dream.

The K2000 has an old 18-bit DAC that rolls off highs pretty significantly. There’s also no emulator for VAST just like there isn’t one for Yamaha FS1R. So even some non-analog stuff is not really reproducible with virtual instruments for one reason or another.

A few years at least. From reading forums it seems like the lemon / failure rates are sort of high. Not sure if that’s still the case but they need to be built like tanks at the prices they’re asking.

What about the Acid Lab clones? Are they still around?

At the time I was looking at these, the Din Sync was the only one that I remember the parts being available. I might have only looked at that one though since it is basically a replica and sounded like a workable project for a beginner.

If I find a complete set of parts for any of those on that list I will give you a heads up.

The fanned fret?

I sure am! Absolutely love this live performance of theirs (16 mins): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyFQAHc8oao

She may never return
But I can wait forever


What about these guys? My understanding is all of the strings are 1 guy and 1 guys on drums.

Like I mentioned before, I’m musically illiterate but I see music in shapes and darks and lights. There are definitely visuals here that remind me of moments Ive seen in post modern music.

This has got to be one of the sickest chops of a guitarist ever. Even an anecdote in the comment section of a younger guy connecting with his grandpa who recognized the OG sample. Nothing more hip hop than that.

Also from the greatest Anime series ever made.

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abunaks lmao trying to type in the dark animals as leaders are cool. Tosin Abasi is very pioneering. and his most recent hairstyle is an homage to the Goat Vernon Reid

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