What are you listening to

I was reading through his wiki and, man, what an amazing career. I’m not sure I have time to catch up on him but here is a project he was involved in I will definitely check out:

Reid was also featured in the program presented by BAM and the Experience Music Project in Seattle entitled “Magic Science”, which includes Medeski Martin & Wood Gil_Evans Orchestra performing Gil Evans’ arrangements of songs by Jimi Hendrix

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He’s a titan… jazz background. New York City CBGBs underground punk scene. Founded Living Colour. His friend Mick Jagger helped produce some of their songs, and took 'em on tour to open for the Stones.

yep only so much time in the day, but Burnin’ Vernon Reid is someone to consider

This album just popped into my head. I know very little of metal but I still remember how distinct this album was and how much it impressed me. And this is when I was first discovering drum and bass aka the heavy metal of beats.

yeah, I guess so.

dayum… the vocals are worth waiting for. he delivers

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Red Blood
Hot Sugar
Chili Sex
Peppers Magik

sound like Rage a bit.

I like those wide intervals. I don’t get it in any true sense, but months back, I saw a utube chat between two established players, and they were talking about how they are ‘thinking intervals’ when they solo or improvise. As opposed to scale shapes and that type syndrome

@ggoreo @pyatnitski @Lawnmower_Man what you think of this riff? I’ve literally spammed it in about a dozen threads.

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How uninhibited is Einar Örn Benediktsson?

the drummer’s shirt Goat



Arguably the greatest British blues guitarist there was and also a more than decent singer/songwriter, RIP.


@Trolly: with you on Team Monch!

This is an underrated cut, with a fantastically tweaked Wes Montgomery sample:


Monch came up in a sea of good mc’s. Plus, he sounded a lot like Sadat X.

His hardest track ever off, imo, the greatest straight up hip hop mix album ever (before mixtapes became gas station fodder for everyone and their mama to rap over straight up beat jacks)


In case any of your seeds ask “Mom/Dad what’s drum and bass?” Here is the album you need to play for them lest they get impressed with some wankster modern variant of this most furious, intelligent variant of the dark arts.


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I listened to a shitload of hip-hop during the 90’s and I completely slept on Pharoahe. Like what the hell, how am I just now discovering this guy just now, he’s amazing.


the start of Losing My Mind :heart:

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This is pretty great if you like minimalism, and it has the whole score in the title for playing at home.