What are you listening to

I’m a fan of Ian Kirkpatrick’s (producer) work and was listening to some of it today but didn’t realize that between making hits he’s also doing WORK on Twitter:


Out in Newton’s space, there’s a tiny rock out of place.

These guys are good. ‘Indy rock’ or whatever label. 1 of those albums, like many, that require 3 or so listens to discover.

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idk, seems relevant right now:

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The 90’s was such an incredible decade for hip-hop. Remember when children’s movies came at you with incredible jams like this? This was mother’s milk for Gen-X kids.

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shit vernon reid could draw some bitches. sexy af like scotti hill lmao

Ear training exercise. Just push play, but don’t watch initially, as the interval I want you guys to determine can be seen played. During the organ solo, the guitarist interjects with a ‘fill,’ sliding up to a note, then sliding to another, then back to the original note slid-to lol What is the relationship of the 2 notes utilized - the interval? @Lawnmower_Man @smrk4 @ggoreo

I hear 4 different notes in that first lick?

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let me clarify lol

not the 1st three notes that he executes with his pick

the 4th note is picked, but then he slides after picking it. that’s the initial slide I was referring to

so the note that that 1st slide arrives at, then he slides to another, then back. it’s almost a trill, but slid in and out of instead of harmmering on. dunno if trill gives it away. prolly necessarily shouldn’t

Ah thought you were asking about the note 3 → 4 big slide. 4 → 5 sounds like minor 2nd.

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That synth guy is ripping.

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I started playing synth recently. Like actually playing and programming, not just triggering loops and sequencing presets. Been running the outs through a chain of guitar pedals and amp/cab simulators to create some absolutely insane sounds. If only there was a solid guitar MIDI controller that didn’t blow or cost $3k.

I’ll also add that I’ve never seen someone primarily known as a solo guitarist do anything interesting with synths or MIDI. Closest is probably Jeff Beck playing guitar over some solid tracks cut by an electronic duo. Most of the guys who’ve tried it make some sort of new age / fusion cheeseball with the worst sounds I’ve ever heard. Good electronic albums by people who mostly don’t even play instruments blows all of the guitar computer jazz wankery away.

I dare @ggoreo to defend this:

yeah. it’s a half-step, semi-tone or minor second. nice

I remember piano lessons, I got to the point of ear training, and that song ‘My Bonnie’ and that 2-word lyric in particular, was a certain interval that I was to use for association if I heard it in a future/ different context lol

In music theory ours was Jaws theme.

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for minor 2nd?

my bonnie is like a 7th iirc… root to 7th of some variety… dunno if those are referred to as dominant, major minor etc

Yeah I think these were the ones I used for ascending intervals:

m2 - Jaws
M2 - Happy Birthday
m3 - Brahms’s Lullaby
M3 - Saints Go Marching In
P4 - Bridal Chorus
Tri - Simpson’s
P5 - Star Wars
m6 - Private Investigations (Dire Straits)
M6 - NBC
m7 - D-Generation X “Are You Ready?”
M7 - Fantasy Island, Take On Me
Oct - Over the Rainbow

My Bonnie is a M6 like NBC theme.

The ones I used for m6 and m7 I provided myself because I was familiar with them and they clicked better than whatever old time examples they were feeding us. My music teacher was not familiar with D-Generation X in case you were wondering. Classic fuckin’ track right here:

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Man oh man.

I’m no technique or equipment head, but Manuel Gottsching out of Ash Ra Tempel (and associated acts) did this in 1981 and helped invent chill out techno.


Probably in the minority in thinking that this is way better than the original.