What are you listening to


I just read he chose to release Tonight’s The Night (recorded in 73) instead because Homegrown was “too down”.

ffs more down than a morose album about the deaths of friends? I have to hear this.

The version I read was that it was more personal, about the breakup of a relationship, but also more approachable songs than Tonights the Night. Not heard it yet.

First impression is it’s more genric-y Neil Young, country tinged rock than Tonight’s the Night, but can still easily take it’s place among his 70s albums—one of the best runs in rock history, imo. So, yeah, well worth hearing.

Best thing on the first listen was ‘Florida’, a weird spoken story about a hangglider crash set to feedback. But then I would pick that one.

How is the Zep retrospective progressing? I want to see your ratings for all eight official studio albums at some point.

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As often happens if a band’s early albums are good then I just get bogged down listening to them. E.g. I probably started with Neil Young way over a decade ago, but have still not really listened to anything post Rust Never Sleeps. I will try and make more effort.

Completely normal.

In that sense I was lucky in discovering Zep from their 77 live album on its release and working backwards in haphazard fashion (I was just a boy and knew no better).

If you only listen to one more Young album, make it Ragged Glory imo (though I’ve stopped after that triumph).

Just uncomfortable? I like that song and the performances in the video are great IMO. Long grappling and struggling and so many “what the fuck are we doing? why are we doing this?” moments

To be fair, I only made it one minute in. Cop pressing the black guy’s face to the pavement and I started tearing up and noped out of there. It’s a great song.

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oh you said studio :control_knobs:

TSRTS is Goat, right :slight_smile:

It’s the first one I heard and the one that got me hooked.

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Yeah. It’s heavy duty. One of my all-time favorite concert videos, with David Live, Exit Stage Left and some others. :slight_smile:

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Go on, move to it if you have to.

Exposing all the frauds
Those heroes for a cause
They’re holding some key
Confusing identities
The lost and found
Lost in a crowd
Look what they’ve found
The lost and found!

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Arthur Lee and band playing Forever Changes at Glastonbury, 2003, brought tears to my eyes - this troubled, tragic man playing such beautiful music.


Everybody in that best decade poll looking back