What are you listening to

I listen to everything you guys post please keep it up! I’ve discovered things itt I never would have bothered with otherwise


the walrus threads too

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One of the weird things about post-late-stage Metallica is that they inexplicably produced this one epic music video that totally owns. The zombie apocalypse genre has been played to death, but somehow this still feels like a fresh take on it:

In other news --and I have absolutely no idea who needs to know about this right now-- Los Lobos’s new Christmas album is a lot of fun:

I’m just gonna throw a zombie anime music video at you followed by some Christmas music, I don’t give a fuck.


I’ve watched this so much that I developed a thing for the short backup singer


don’t you love when you can trip-out on something like that?

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Look, I really need a workout album that isn’t punk, someone toss me a bone here.

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you ever get into Prong?

make a compilation of various artists. That’s prolly easier than 1 album that delivers all the way through.

Testament, tho, either of the Practice What You Preach or Souls of Black albums.

Mariachi music is so fucking boss. The hats, the pants, The belt buckles, the ginormous guitarron. America and Spain and the German oom-pah beat all mashed together, there’s something wrong with your heart if you don’t love it. I don’t care what species you are, even whales love this shit:

Tell me you aren’t giving it up for this shizz, mariachi is the absolute party music no matter who you are. Even Howard Stern is having a good time.

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If metal and/or hard electro stuff might work for you I can drop a few options in here for you to “taste test” tomorrow.

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Check out my second to last walrus reveal. The category was gym so songs.


In South Texas Marachi is a competitive event like marching band and symphony. I always felt disappointed I didn’t grow up down there to have the opportunity to play it in high school

Mr Trolly sir.

Do I understand you are looking for a full album instead of just various songs? A few ideas:

Rage Against The Machine - Battle for LA
Perhaps some Godsmack or Pantera?

For me I just have a Gym list in Spotify and add new songs as I find them. If thats an option for you lmk and I can suggest some individual tracks and a bit more variety.

Fanmade video for the Eminem remix of “The Hills” by The Weeknd. Basically a mash-up of “Space Bound” and “The Hills” MVs. It’s why you never see Eminem directly sing the lyrics and Sasha Grey randomly appears for no reason.

It’s pretty rare that a remix is as good as the original though.

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I’ve mentioned these guys before, but I love this youtube channel where these youngsters review classic Gen-X metal and hard rock and lose their minds. It may be a bit performative, I suspect it’s not the first time they’ve heard these songs, but even still the analysis they do about the music and why it works is great --it always gives me a lot to think about. Skip a minute or two past the introductory bullshit and give them a listen. It’s just two dudes who are extremely good at articulating the things I love about classic metal.


Requesting your favorite albums of the moment. I have some menial tasks to accomplish and want some tunes, please!

Here’s mine:

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figured I’d put this here since this is the music thread, but if you’re anywhere near LA in May and are a new wave/punk/post punk/alternative music fan…you might wanna go to this:

Echo & The Bunnymen
The Psychedelic Furs
Violent Femmes
The Church
English Beat
Public Image Ltd.
Gary Numan
Marc Almond
She Wants Revenge
Blaqk Audio
Cold Cave
Jay Aston’s Gene Loves Jezebel
Bad Manners
Missing Persons
London After Midnight
Drab Majesty
45 Grave
Christian Death
The Meteors
Black Marble


I’d just like to say fuck Morrissey.



well yeah, he’d be a stage I skip. The rest though…