What are you listening to

He’s got a good voice and I hope he goes on to make some good music. Just the juxtaposition of the right wing prop machine being like this guy’s the voice of the people and the lyrics being about the rich are too into pedophiles feels like what a rich conservative who’s way too deep into the online political stuff would imagine the salt of the earth guy would sing about.

I’m thinking left wing version of this would have the song start out with a banjo riff and then belt out a land acknowledgment about the land being taken from the Indians before getting into how he’s worked the land his whole life.

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Still don’t know why Eva Nobleza hasn’t blown up more

Shoutout to my close, personal friend, Rudy Giuliani:

Taken too young:

Old one with him backing up Ricky Broussard.


I seem to recall from walruses of ages past that you like The National. In case you didn’t know, they dropped a surprise album today:

Whoa. I did not. Thanks for that. I take it you’re a fan. Did you like Frankenstein?

Edit: They also announced an Australian tour with Fleet Foxes supporting btw, you kind of buried the lede on this.

I am yeah. I was a bit underwhelmed by Frankenstein at first but as usual their songs grow on you the more you listen. Unremittingly dolorous fare though. I didn’t know they’d announced another Oz tour. I’ve got tickets to go see them this weekend in Leeds, but plans got scuppered last minute. Pretty grumpy about that.

I like Frankenstein quite a bit actually, especially the live versions as Bryan is such a beast on drums. Not too sure about the new one. Need more listens.

I’m going to go to both the Brisbane and Sydney gigs. Brisbane is outdoors, standing only, Sydney will be seated, so it’ll be different experiences.

This has been stuck in my head for days.

This album is great (warning: country and even a little yodeling)