What are you listening to


Ha, before reading your post, Funcrusher’s Mogwai song had me going down the rabbit hole to remember the one Mogwai song I used to dig back in the day. It took me a bit, but it’s Rano Pano. Love those riffs. Kind of fun to revisit a great song you’ve totally forgotten about for years.

Today is the 46th anniversary of the the sinking of SS Edmund Fitzgerald. I know many of you are fans of this old Gordon Lightfoot chestnut:

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It was cool to see people that have been to Billy shows and like him here.

All his shows that aren’t on video stream are played directly from the soundboard on his mixlr page.

Billy in Philly 2 nights starts in a few minutes!

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starting meow


back when ice cube was good

I really like this song a bunch. I know it’s cheesy but I don’t work other than accounting/invoicing for a business I created that is only expanding.

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My skater/stoner friend who is the drummer has esophogeal cancer as of a few weeks ago. Same as MCA and my grandpa. #sadface

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I really feel like Yuv had important things to say though! Mostly all my fault!


Just me here being the drunk guy that apparently everyone hates. All I do is talk about weed or bands lmao:

HU4rollz yuv?

OK Yuv. Get your kids home safe bro! Seems weird you would be trying to flex with them out at all but I’m just a single dude so I just take care of the doggo. I also never claimed to be good at poker and just talked about some tourney thoughts. I’m the drunk dude here tho lolz. Hopefully my relatives tone it down when they get here for my sobriety check.