What are you listening to

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Kora is easily the ballest instrument around. So beautiful. (Especially the tune from 6:00 onwards)


No money in jamming, everyone’s solid.

Humble and casual brag.

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Their rendition of “Summer Madness” is super cool.

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@Lawnmower_Man you ever investigate that Rollins Band guitar?

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No money shredding, everyone plays eight strings.

what are you listening to these days? record anything new?

One of the goat baselines.

These guys are coming to the states in 2022. Anyone who has it in their power to see them live I highly recommend it. Might be your last chance.

If I haven’t met the one by then Im certain I will meet her there.

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I have pretty wide taste but have listened to very little guitar music lately. Ana Vidovic probably the last specifically guitar music I was scoping. The last CD I bought (yes, I still buy them) was Alison Wonderland. I’ve been into the Soulpersona / Princess Freesia collabs pretty heavy of late:

I have some recording projects I’ll post eventually. It’s just taking a long time to get anything to completion, but I changed my setup / workflow in a way that should make it easier to finish projects. I’m really into electronic right now and trying to find a way to incorporate guitar into that in a non-guitar way. I’d kill to have a SynthAxe (or something that functioned as well), but they are rarer than Stradivarius violins.

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Think Richie Sacramento is their best recent song

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I’m catching up. Really only know Young Team, Ten Rapid, CODY, Happy Songs for Happy People.

It’s amazing the amount of quality work they have put out. This session is ridiculous. The ambient touches on “Dont Believe the Fife” and Cat Myers on the drums.

I’m already planning on which US stop I want to see them at. Inside or outside.

Rano Pano, Remurdered and Ritchie Sacramento are my recent favorites. Their albums are all good but those ones stick out and have the kind of riffs you seem to enjoy.