What are you listening to

The artist is a standard 20 something without much talent, but somehow this song does pretty good


You’re the man, right?
You’re the gun man, right?
You’re the killer man, right?


Been listening to black midi all week. It’s insane how good/actually insane they are for their age.

RIP Ronnie Tutt. Drummer for Jerry Garcia Band, Elvis and others.

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Hopefully will see them live after 4 postponements.

Jim Pembroke, who died a week ago, brought proge to Finland and from '69 was the lead singer of Wigwam. Perhaps the greatest gig I’ve ever been to.

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How much do I owe for listening to this?

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Does anyone know an Eminem song with the lyrics like “walking on the court” or off the court or something like that. I heard it today and didn’t know the song, unfortunately that was only line I remembered

Are you sure it’s Eminem? Is this the line?

I be walking off the court legendary like im jordan you be buggin i ain’t giving you shit

Possibly, what song is that

Not Eminem but the only lyric I can find with “walking (on or off) the court”. Something named Trappytrap Migo lol.

The rookie walking on the court like “Man, I can’t lose”

Thanks for help I think it’s “rabbit run” by Eminem, and the actual lyric is “balls in my court but I’m scared to dribble it out” so close lol

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I’m not sure why I like this song so much, I’d totally forgotten about it for years and then heard it again the other day, <3 <3