What are you listening to

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it’s gettin’ colder ritz

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Ambassador /\ B /\ S I

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Lol so terrible.


Yep. today is the anniversary:

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I forgot to mention my first impression was, “why is Kid Rock staddling a giant penis?”

Kid Rock


I’d call this a movie trailer version

Keller Williams is goat at live looping. I always love his shows. He did a Grateful Dead soul style set when I was at Lockn 2015 and it was great hangover cure music.

I have a crush on most or all of his soul singers.

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I’ve been A/B comparing the new Taylor Swift recordings to the originals which turned out to be an interesting listening exercise. Went in expecting them to be very obviously different and they absolutely are not, which required a lot of back and forth. I’ll do You Belong With Me first because I think the differences are easier to hear than some of the others I’ve compared so far. (I’m using the highest possible quality on Spotify desktop which isn’t the most ideal setup.) I recommend setting up like I did in the picture below so you can easily jump between versions:


Taylor’s version


Her voice is obviously different which I think is more pronounced on Fearless (2008) compared to Red (2012). I’m not a singer so not sure how much of it can be attributed to physical change versus technique; the original sounds more heady whereas Taylor’s version (TV) is breathier with more lungs/chest. The extra air adds some clarity that’s missing in the original, but obviously TV is missing that distinct “young Taylor” sound she was able to get back then. In terms of imaging/soundstage, she sounds slightly closer to the mic and front of stage in TV.

The mix is different with the original sounding rather anemic on my equipment while TV gets a nice bass boost to bring it up to modern standards. In addition to that, TV is just better imo: the original sounds cramped in the chorus with a lot of stuff fighting for the same narrow midrange frequency band while TV is clearer and better separated (should be expected using a top mixer / engineer and state-of-the-art hardware + software). There are micro details you can pick out but I think that’s getting into inane levels of detail that don’t matter too much individually–it’s more of a whole vs. sum of the parts thing. For example, the snare is obviously different but that’s, like, an Easter egg for people who pay attention to such things.

Now try this one. Way more subtle imo.

Was rewatching some Sopranos as one does and saw Tony mooking around in Fountains of Wayne and I thought “I used to love that band” and I still LOVE that band. RIP Adam Schlesinger. On #YouTube there’s a playlist simply “Fountains of Wayne” knock yourself out but you probably know about them already if you like that kind of music

EDIT: “Welcome Interstate Managers” is near flawless imo

Candid lamentations of an addict over elite jazz play.

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After watching Get Back I’ve become a bit obsessed with rediscovering the beatles.

In the middle of working through their albums/songs in order (thank you random spotify playlist). Its pretty incredible. Just hit Rubber Soul and my mind is blown.


My guilty pleasures for this time of the year: