What Are you Doing To Prepare For Post Election?

Assume that Trump is losing and decides on a strategy of causing maximum chaos, either as an attempt to contest the election or as a tantrum because he is a sore loser. What is the upper bound on violence that he can inspire?

Come on, none of those things are true of Germany to the degree they are in USA. Maybe reproductive rights? I admit I don’t know anything about that in Germany. But I’m pretty sure you guys aren’t getting mowed down by the dozens multiple times per year by kids wielding semi automatic AR’s. I mean shit, do you even have AR’s? I’m pretty sure they’re illegal there.

I’m thinking a few (3-15) rural riots, maybe 200 dead max, probably like 10.

Im all for you or anyone giving views about America. But just understand a lot of Americans, even many who vote, are apolitical and dont care or think about this stuff to much. Saying Americans are scared about the post election is off. Most aren’t id guess.

I dont care if you have an opinion about USA, I am not patriotic at all. But I do think Americans should be scared right now, and that you have no idea how bad the situation is here currently.

Like I remember for instance you saying we should just shut trump out, or something. But living here - his voice is on every channel, every radio station, every family dinner topic, his name is on just about everything and comes up with just about everything.

It’s the world he wants to live in and we’re all forced to live in it. It isn’t pleasant or avoidable. I vividly remember the panic attack I had on campus the morning after the election im 2016, when I realized I was going to have to hear that guy’s voice every day for the next 4-8 years. I’m not exaggerating. It literally gave me a panic attack. That is how reprehensible this situation we’ve been living in for four years is, and being outside of the American news bubble, I believe you dont realize how constant and unceasing it is.

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Again, my alarmist tendencies… I’m not worried about them removing Biden, but I do wonder what happens in the event that Trump refuses to cede the office. I mean, I know that’s a batshit crazy notion, but you gotta admit it’s more realistic now than ever before in the history of the country

I also worry about all the people Trump has installed. He seems to have unprecedented power over the entire Republican party (unprecedented in the sense that there’s literally nothing he can do so egregious that they will censure him). The DOJ seems to have fallen under his power as well. In addition, the USPS, not to mention having the Supreme and most lower courts will be willing do his bidding for him. I mean, I guess if you’re not at least a little worried now about the prospects of violence and the literal fall of democracy, you never will be

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It’s not just violence we need to worry about. It’s the last pillars of democracy crumbling before our eyes. Granted, I don’t know what I’m talking about, but I envision him getting some very important court rulings in his favor and having the head of the DOJ in his pocket doesn’t help.

My OP wasn’t just about what are you doing to prepare for violence, but what are you doing to prepare for any of the multitude of possible 1st time scenarios that could occur under the most corrupt, lying, fascist president this country has ever known

That is kind of what im rooting for…trump would get dragged out. Not really though because his minions would probably kill more people. But he would be removed if the courts and Congress backed Biden.

If the powers that be back and install trump i cant see much happening. There would be protests and violence but not to the point the left are going to go out and start warring with the PB and far right in the streets.

More like amp up whats going on now with the police protests.

As far as the fall of democracy…im not so sure we ever really truly had one…

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Posts like this one aren’t ok imo.

Obama’s decision to make fun of Trump at that correspondant’s dinner may actually lead to the end of Western Civilization.

Non-American here. Also scared for America. I look at what is happening in Eastern Europe and I see that as being likely USA’s future, possibly regardless of 2020 election result.

Yeah I would certainly be pretty worried if I lived in America. I don’t think immediate large-scale violence in the streets is likely but unless there’s a Biden landslide it looks likely the election will make the country’s crisis of legitimacy worse.

It’s useful to look back and see how far we’ve already come. Remember the MUELLER RAPID RESPONSE PROTESTS which were ready to go the second the President moved to fire the Special Prosecutor? Well since then we’ve learned that impeachment and removal of the President is essentially impossible given the numbers needed in the Senate, that the President is definitely intending to dispute the results, and that the campaign is calling for an “Army for Trump” to descend on polling places. The prospect of Trump firing Mueller as a red line is quaint in retrospect but the level of readiness for trouble has gone down, not up. People are tired.

You are not really listening to what im saying. Most Americans dont have all that fear you attribute to them. Most are ignorant and blissful and not plugged in online or watching much media.

Whether or not that is a good thing or bad thing ill leave to you. But i think fear can be good. Like the fear of us driving humanity off a cliff environmentally could get us to change our ways. Unfortunately people are going with the head in the sand for the most part.

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They’re plugged into something that strikes fear into their timid, stony little hearts whenever they see or hear something about Muslims, who’ve replaced the previous fear about Russians and Communists.

Sure a lot do. Lot of brits fear those things too…

Sure, some do. We can discuss that in the UK thread if you like. This is the US post election thread about preparing for the potential end of democracy and/or major civil unrest there.

Ah so your comment was off topic too…

Dude, I was replying to your

Right and I was replying to someone else.

Is that how it works here? You can only reply to a post that isn’t to someone else?