What Are you Doing To Prepare For Post Election?

this is why i don’t put up political lawn signs or bumper stickers

You are not alone, and far from the first.



At the risk of sending up the whatevs bat signal, I will mention that there was one presidential candidate in the primary who talked about this a lot. I’m sure you can guess who that was. Here’s a link with no preview to keep the trolls away: Watch Pete Buttigieg Discusses America’s Crisis of Belonging | New Yorker Festival | The New Yorker


Really? Compared to Whiskey or Tequila? On the other hand I normally only drink half a bottle.

At the risk of being Watevs, 45000 people in the US die each year because they don’t have health coverage, the crisis of belonging is a tiny problem by comparison, and most of the candidates should have been talking more about getting everyone health care.


I’m gonna guess you don’t live in a country where mass shootings are so normal that they barely get reported on anymore unless it set a new record.

I’m gonna guess you don’t live in a country where in most parts of it are not even doing the bare minimum to prevent spread of a deadly pandemic, and have deaths in the hundreds of thousands.

I’m gonna guess you don’t live in a country where your reproductive rights are constantly under attack or your right to love who you want is nearly constantly under assault.

I’m gonna guess you don’t live in a country where the police brutalize, kill, and maim people for any reason at all.

I’m gonna guess you don’t live in a country where families, marriages, and friendships have been torn apart for 4 years by the insane babble of a psychotic despot who routinely calls for or condones violence against the opposite political party.

I’m gonna guess you don’t live in a country where horrific natural disasters are so common that they’re just a blip in the news cycle, and the cause for them (climate change) is denied by roughly 40% of the population.

I could go on but I won’t. For someone who doesn’t read the news and thinks it’s a waste of time to learn about things outside your bubble, you sure profess to know a lot about americans. I would never dream of doing the same about your home country.


It’s hard to understand how a Europhile wouldn’t support a candidate in favour of at least M4A.

She might not have expressed it so well in her second or third language, but she does have a point.

When they used to screen repeats of old US 50s/60s TV warnings about reds under the beds and duck and cover, audiences here used to fall about laughing.

You could also compare some of the reactions here to covid, which in USA#190 seems polarised between OMG WAAF WAAGTD and WGAF lets party.

It’s just the result of being physically isolated on your own land mass imo.

I’m listening to this interview on Fresh Air with a writer from The Atlantic about the election. He has an article coming out soon called “The Election That Could Break America” and he’s talking about all the stuff GOP lawyers have already been doing to prep for November.

EVERYTHING will be challenged wrt mail-in ballots: Signed where you were supposed to print? Throw out that ballot! Got the date wrong? Throw out that ballot! Signatures don’t match? (Never mind that no one here has any training at all in that particular field) Throw out that ballot! Oh, also in Pennsylvania, there’s a “security sleeve” that the ballot goes into which then goes inside the envelope along with the ballot; if the sleeve is missing, the ballot gets thrown out, based on a recent court ruling there. Based on prior election results, he expects around 100,000 ballots to be thrown out because of this, overwhelmingly Democratic ballots (Trump won PA by 44k, as a reminder).

I legit believe as does he that it’s going to be complete chaos, by GOP design. My “WAAF” levels are currently off the charts.

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No champagne prop bets yet?!

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anything but a biden landslide will be terrible, and even a biden landslide will likely end up with lots of violence

I think I could drink 6 bottles in an evening but I would need a sizable bet and odds to attempt it as the hangover would be otherworldly.


Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t try that unless I had been on a bender so hangover would be minimal. It still would be a massive headache unless chugging water in between.

Pretty sure this article is already out and was posted here a bunch of times.

What is it with right wingers and that dinner? My nutter brother has sent me that video where Obama shits on him like 5-10 times probably. It must just be the feeling of getting a huge chip off your shoulder that most of them have and wish they could ever remove?

If you ask your avg joe in America who is not online or very political, which is a lot of America, they are not scared about civil war or uprisings.

I know ive said this before but there cant be a civil war without the military involved and them being split. Otherwise its just them just putting down violence.

Dont even think there would be violence on any kind of scale if trump wins or Biden blows it out. If its close and Biden wins there could be some violence but not on any kind of scale of a civil war or us going mad max.

What am I claiming about Germany?

You said just a few days ago you don’t read the news, just headlines. You frequently chastise people here for being too plugged in. So why wouldn’t I assume you’re in a bubble?

Dont take this the wrong way but this is part of your bubble. Basing Americans on your interaction with them on forums or even the news gets us wrong.

Half of America is apathetic to politics has no thoughts of a civil war happening and are like that article posted, more then happy to ignore our dissent into fascism. Most Americans are not scared of a civil war.

Or as we’ve already seen, being active participants and instigators in it

I think I used the term civil unrest in the OP. If I said war, it was a mistake. I don’t see a scenario where there isn’t civil unrest and possibly mayhem

I could see some in a close contested Biden win. That is about it though. And even if so its not something where the military is going to remove Biden…so that leaves them putting down the unrest.

  1. He said he was guessing, which is less certain than claiming
  2. It is reasonable to guess that any modern democracy is superior to the US on all of those points

In your expert opinion, is Germany the same as the US on all of the things that jmakin complains about?

Yeah that’s the thing. There won’t be a Biden landslide on Election night. It’s impossible, by law, because most states don’t allow their mail-in ballots to even start being counted until Election Day, meaning they will be nowhere near done by election night, and of course Trump will demand they stop counting them soon after because fraud. Then, cue the violence.

The guy in that interview did specify that Florida law states that mail-in ballots are counted as they are received, so we should mostly know who won Florida on election night…which is ostensibly why Trump gave his approval of Florida’s process for mail-in voting (but we all know better, of course).