What Are you Doing To Prepare For Post Election?

I hate to be an alarmist, but I have a hard time imagining any scenario where there isn’t major civil unrest and upheaval after November 3 regardless of election results

I think a Biden landslide would be the best case scenario. A mandate might just end things there and everyone just continues to fight and name call via social media as is mostly the case now

If Biden squeaks by, Trump is sure to complain the election was rigged and Trump will sound every dog whistle to call his army of sycophants into action. Not sure how that plays out. He will remain in power until January 20 and have control over the national guard , military, and the police will of course side with far right extremist Nazis in the event that groups like the proud boys show up and things turn violent

Trump will no doubt call the election if he is up in live precinct voting not waiting for the mail in votes to be tabulated and of course, his sycophants and Republican politicians will agree. This is sure to lead to protests that will likely turn violent as well. The problem is, I don’t see how the left fights back against armed MAGAts, the national guard, and police

I think we’re watching the last of American democracy swirl down the drain before we sink into a fascist regime. Does anyone see a good outcome between now and inauguration day? As some know, I am armed and willing to join the fight against the proud boys, etc. if it comes to that and enough others are willing too. If not, I’m hoping to at least be able to protect myself and loved ones until we can gtfo. I’m seriously looking into other countries to reside.

I think there’s the potential that things get bad. Really bad. I’m hoping to get slammed on this. Tell me I’m wrong. Give me some hope and talk me out of this incredibly depressed and desperate state I’m in right now because I just don’t see a good outcome under any circumstances save for the possible exception of a Biden landslide and mandate in both chambers

I agree, and think there’s a great potential for widespread violence, especially if either side believes there’s a coup. I say either side - republicans are likely to believe that no matter what margin biden wins by. And of course,
Trump will try to pull off a for real coup if he can get away with it.

I don’t think Biden’s winning so that may actually end up being the most peaceful outcome.

The Proud Boys have a membership in the low hundreds. You can go fight them if you want, but you’ll probably have to look for the fight.

I’m more worried about the cops and whatever unmarked federal troops they’re sending to Portland.


Maybe “officially” but there are millions of heavily armed republicans itching for a chance to shoot some libtards.



This is stupid, but I’m learning how to code. In all reality I’ll likely never learn enough to have realistic job prospects from it, but it’s helping to calm the nagging fear I have about desperately wanting to leave the country post-election but having no work prospects if I do.

I think it’s a noble thing to want to stay and improve your country and help people who live here, but honestly if my wife and I could move to another country and get similar jobs we’d already be gone. I really don’t see anything worth saving here.

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As a sweet summer child, I have been collecting bottles of champagne throughout the year. I plan to have a joyful two-three day bender. Problem is when will the results be in? Maybe the weekend 11/7-11/8.


There will not be millions or even hundreds or even dozens of civilian Republican shooting anyone regardless of what happens in the election. That’s not to say there aren’t risks. One person with an AR-15 can kill a lot of people and buildings, churches and synagogues can be bombed or burned. But a million grandpas aren’t hitting the streets shooting.

This is kinda like a recent post about US getting locked up in concentration camps. WE won’t. Well, other than PocketChads. If things go to shit, I’m willing to help PocketChads. My house is a mess and no smoking around here (it’s illegal in public in my city even!), but you can crash here if you’re on the run. And it’s not too unpleasant in the crawlspace even. That’s what I’m doing.


I didn’t say they would - but there are millions with similar attitudes of the proud boys, and it wouldn’t take much to mobilize thousands of them.

You’re wrong.

There isn’t any. Things are going to be shitty no matter what happens. But armed warfare in the streets is just dystopian fantasy.


Saving up for a shotgun since it’s apparently €1 million to move to Malta

I guess “warfare” is a nebulous term, but you can easily make an argument that it’s already happening in various places. I don’t think the jump from “firing rubber bullets into someone’s eye socket” and “throwing canisters of teargas back and forth” to actually shooting guns at people is all that big.


I think this article skydiver posted a couple days ago and the Vox one that’s been floating around for a few years give us the most accurate look at what the bad outcomes will look like. Whatever happens, most of us will be complacent because we’re not being directly affected. And that’s pretty horrible in its own unique way.


I’m primarily worried about a legalistic coup that gains adherents/acceptance because fucktards like OP run around in the streets shooting people and LARPing civil war.

Interesting. I think Biden is way over priced to win, but I get looked at like I’m from Mars by my friends any time I suggest he could lose. Always being told to look at THE POLLS

I agree with jmakin on this. We’re going to find out who we really are as Americans this election and I think we already know. There are way more racists and people willing to accept fascism than I ever imagined who would just love to see some liberal bloodshed

I don’t know what you’ve been reading or where you’ve been looking, but these aren’t all grandpas. Many are young white good ole boys

It won’t be LARPing when it’s for real. Ironically, I think the LARPing comes from people like you who grossly miscalculate your own safety. It’s all fun and games and harmless internet banter until it’s not

Very interesting. Maybe I am overreacting then. Still, giving up our freedom seems incredibly depressing to me and I find complacency like the concept of heaven, to be utterly boring

To be clear I don’t think there’s gonna be a civil war over this but widespread violence I think we’re drawing very live for, and this administration has shown it’s very willing to escalate and feed violence. Who knows what it’ll lead to.

i’ve outlined in other posts what this would look like a long time ago and it looks exactly like what’s been going on now.

I dont think you guys spend as much time in the bowels of the internet like I do but there is a very real and strong thirst for violence against liberals. It’s very chilling to read in real time.

Basically agree with this. There’s not going to be much political violence, but the media makes a little look like a lot and people seeing the same little fight in the street over and over and over and Facebook fighting about it ad nauseum breeds reactionaries, bootlickers and cowards.

I’ve never logged onto 4chan, but a guy I play poker with lives on it. His views are incredibly alarming and he’s sent me screen shots of posts from there. These aren’t grandpas, but young healthy white males and I agree it’s quite chilling to read how they think and what they at least say they’re willing to do