Walrus grab bag - signup thread

tyty Swanky :-) I’ve updated a few relevant posts so people know to send to you.

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I’m struggling with the Debut Single. Does it have to be the first dated single on their Wikipedia page? Or can it be a single off their debut album? Can it be from their major label debut album, rather than singles they released on the interwebs? I’m struggling to determine the “debut single” unless I look into 60’s bands.

@SwankyWilder ^

Are we supposed to be doing something?

Right, how can we expect people to know music with such obscure instruments as [checks notes] the saxophone? Granted, that category would be tougher to pull off than mine.

I’ll take ANYTHING JAPANESE. A traditional piece of Japanese music, written by a Japanese composer for any genre, played by a Japanese musician or band, played predominantly on a Japanese instrument, etc.

You can start preparing submissions. All info is in these two posts:

My preference would be first listed on wikipedia, but single off debut album seems fine. Major label album is pushing it a bit if there have already been previous releases, but I’m not going to try and catch anybody out.
I’m just looking for the first release that the general public could acquire in whatever format

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In a previous Walrus there was a category for any non-english track. Some people still had trouble finding submissions.

I’m going to say again I genuinely like the idea of what you are going for. I actually realised I have a track for this category that I would be happy to submit. But your category is still not broad enough for this particular Walrus because usually people have to find 5-7 submissions total. This one is currently calling for 13.

We are already into the submission phase so I’m afraid you are going to have to sit this one out, but I hope somebody puts together another Walrus that is something like a “treasure hunt” theme, where categories are a bit more specific. That way the participants will have a bit more research to do, but get to broaden their musical horizons some more. I would like to be a part of that. I think “anything Japanese” or “otamatone” would be a better fit for that sort of Walrus.

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I’m in.


I’ll be submitting today

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mine are in!

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To blurb, or not to blurb, that is the question.


all in

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Hey Matt - I haven’t received your entry for seities

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I did short ones, but now I’m wondering if they aren’t giving me away. Oh well.


Still sitting on the blurb fence, but the awesomeness of my submissions is what will give me away.

Been crazy busy irl. Tomo some time off to submit.


Aww Shazbot, how did I miss this?

Will be to you shortly.

My body is ready for some grading.


Alright, in for real now


Hello my lovelies!

Just paging the following contestants as a friendly reminder to please have your submissions in by end of day Sunday at the latest:

@miliboo @SwankyWilder @suzzer99 @Pauwl @ChrisV @LouisCyphre @pyatnitski @Jalfrezi @Nicholasp27 @Yuv

Remember, just go to this post. It should have all the info you need!