Walrus Grab Bag 6 - Reveal Thread!

In 3rd place with 7 points

Kamasi Washington – Street Fighter Mas

Submitter Comments: This was basically written as his own life theme song and it sure sounds awesome to me.


This is great. In the middle, it sounds like he’s rapping with the saxamaphone. I appreciate this not having lyrics. It flows so nice that way. Cool beans.


you only misranked it by 2 places. great improvement in your judging.


Extra cred for calling it a “saxamaphone”.


In 2nd place with 8 points

J Ralph – Kansas City Shuffle


I like this one a lot. It’s playful and dramatic without getting overly cheesy. It’s got funky parts. This is from like a head nodding, get shit done kind of scene. Locked and loaded, let’s go, mothafucka.


Oh hell yeah!

Late arrival to see a number 1 get. The best kind of everything


I ALMOST jokered this. Damn

Since I jokered mine and get the same points as first, it’s like I really won this category.

In 1st place with 9 points

This is the Kit – Misunderstanding

Submitter Comments: You’re the Worst had some of the best music for the scenes of any show ever. Enjoy this one for when Gretchen’s depression REALLY kicks in.


Never saw it.

Very good. Atmospheric and moody. I guess I should have told people that I wanted drama. Sadness, loneliness. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn’t feel joy until I was a man and by then it was only blinding :wink:. Great entry


Heres the scene


A wonderful and expedient Pauwlrus as always!

Here are the updated rankings:


And like that, thus my walrus has ended.


I get the basic outline - she thinks an ex is doing well, he hits on her, she gets upset. But can you fill in the background/context?

Pauwl and I always have the same tastes. I should have nailed that one. I had a feeling I submitted that song before. But I figured if I can’t remember no one else will anyway. UNLESS of course you submit it to the same person. :(

i gave myself 2 extra bonus points cause my song (still) wasn’t in a soundtrack. it’s easier to pick a soundtrack song from an actual soundtrack.

please create a new table that includes my bonus points

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Not an ex, its actually much weirder than that. Gretchen has clinical depression. She stalks a couple who are slightly older than her and Jimmy. She follows them as they go throughout a fairly normal day, trying to figure out daycare for their kid, feeding their dog and taking it for a walk. She eventually abducts the dog and alllllllmost kidnaps their kid from their nanny. She eventually takes their dog back to them and makes friends with them. She sees that normallcy in a relationship is possible and strives for it. She thirsts for it.

And then while their significant others are out of the room, the guy admits that he just wants a way out, some time away from the same ole dolldrums that is every day of his life and it shatters this illusion of perfection she has and completely destroys her.

She and Jimmy leave and he gets lost in his own thoughts about their shitty treehouse (hes been watching treehouse masters lately) and rambles on ignoring her obvious meltdown.

After that the rest of the season is a decent into her depressive psyche and his attempts to snap her out it.

Probably my favorite TV season ever.

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Mine also wasn’t in a soundtrack, so I approve of this bonus.


I also found a good summary here:

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Btw if this is where you live and you havent seen Youre The Worst you are wayyyyyyyyy missing out.

I’ll take 2nd! Lucky Number Slevin is a great movie if hot haven’t seen it. Love the wallpaper design.

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Well I was on the road so I missed this entirely and of course I’m holding down last place. Woohoo. Merry fucking Christmas.