Walrus Grab Bag 6 - Reveal Thread!

also thanks for the reveal eb. impressive stuff for one hand typing, you must have had lots of experience (ba dum tss)*. that’s why i didn’t rank you in the badhumans category.

*side note, i initially wrote “stagadish”, which is the way hummus jews write the post bad punchline drum noise. just googled it to make sure it’s a thing in english and realized it’s not. i’m sure these small type of significant cultural differences are interesting to all the readers.


Another nodium! Best part is I failed at @seities category and he told me this would have placed well if I had actually submitted for his category as I originally intended.


What’s the record for worst performance ever in a walrus? I need a new goal.

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I think i podiumed 4 straight and im still not winning

also i think my two shakiest entries are bob and skydiver so not confident

This song fucking rules, thanks @seities I love it


God Damnit, I wasted a Joker on this. You suck !


Your trash game could use some finesse but I appreciate the effort

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Fuck it let’s do it. It will distract me from this awful game.



Reminder (for me mostly)


Cate Le Bon Iver

That was my best alternative I didn’t get to use

I had an alternative but cant remember it now

Oh also @eyebooger. I was Bad Religion and that was my joker. Is a sad day


I think I’m just going to mush best song and song likability into song likability. Almost none of you gave what I consider the best song by a band I know. But if someone did hit the best song I’ll give a bonus.

lol are you doing the ranking now?

Yeah 1-20 for funny and 1-20 for songs - 1-10 for each song (or 1-7 for the case of 3 songs - which earns a bonus for extra credit).


i’m not questioning your ranking methods (yet), it’s just that us normies do the ranking and then once we finalized it we do the reveal.

Chiefs are metriculating tf outta the ball to open this 2nd half

That’s what I’m doing.